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The Silicon Valley Shandong University Alumni Association.

S ilicon Valley Shandong University Alumni Association (SSUAA) was established on August 10, 1996, in San Jose, California. Its members are either graduates or former employees of Shandong University(Jinan, China), who now live and work around the San Francisco Bay Area -- the well known high tech Silicon Valley.
T he Purpose of the association is mainly to keep its members in touch, to share information and most importantly, to help each other.
T he accociation has grown rapidly and will continue to grow. Any alumni who currently live in the Silicon Valley area are welcome and encouraged to join. Alumni who are not from the Bay Area are also welcome to contact this association. There is a communication network actively running on the internet for all the Shanda alumni(go to the Alumni page for more information). A global Shandong University Alumni Associaion is also on the horizon.

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Created and maintained by Tom Zhang. Last modified on August 1, 1997