PHI in the sky.

Lamda Chapter of Texas of the

International Honor Society For Philosophy

St. Mary's University

Phi Sigma Tau has five stated purposes:

Updated Spring '97

Members recieve a copy of the Dialogue, the journal of PHI SIGMA TAU.

Members are:
Live to think, think to live
Phi Sigma Tau

Links of Interest:

Events Held:

This is not an official Web Site of St. Mary's University

The Dialogue publishes original articles int the entire field of philosophy wheter or not the author is a member of Phi Sigma Tau or comes from an institution having a chapter of the Society. Articles are accepted form the undergraduate and graduate students, but not those whose academic work is completed and who are now teaching.

Helping Hand Created by Jim Bachmeier, Reggie Pérez, and Phi Sigma Tau

We are currently in the process of being recognized on campus but are chartered.