OCTOBER 4, 1998:
I look forward to the American people, sick of this garbage, voting this fall and saying "no" to the Republicans in Congress. Consider this from the October issue of The Atlantic: "If all registered voters had voted in 1994, the Republicans would not have won a majority in the House." Repent!!
OCTOBER 1, 1998:
Can you believe the nerve of the Republicans in Congress? They shut down Washington so that Newt Gingrich could throw a hissy fit. Now they're shutting down Washington for not weeks but months. Throw the bums out! The only way we'll get a Congress that does something rather than pursues Gingrich's politics of infantilism is to have a Democratic majority in Congress. The extreme right-wingers and kooks who have taken over the Republican party have done too much damage. And we're not going to end their reign of terror until we get rid of them.
In other news, I read an article that referred to the way people find masochistic pleasure in contemplating the "venality of the Starr investigation." So I've marched to my Webster's and have looked up "venal": "open to corrupt influence." Yes, that's Starr to a "T".
September 22, 1998:
Trent Lott complains that this is "demeaning for the country." (And whose fault is that? Clinton's? Or a multi-million dollar investigation into every aspect of his life, including his daughter's underwear drawer?) I'll tell you what's demeaning for the country--the thing on Trent Lott's head. Why couldn't Sen. Lott stay out of public life and be the high-school principal the Fates intended him to be? He is unworthy to touch the hem of Claiborne Pell's garment.
September 21, 1998:
Three cheers for President Clinton!! In the face of Medieval Inquisitor Starr and his band of voyeuristic creeps, he acted with class. How many of us ever have to get asked what we do sexually? Or in the bathroom? Next, they'll try to tell us we can only think certain thoughts, and believe certain things. But, you know, THAT'S what Medieval Inquisitor Starr wants--to make over everyone in his own image. No thanks!
September 17, 1998:
I can't believe the nerve of that geekazoid Tom DeLay wanting the FBI to chase down the source of the Hyde Infidelity/Hyde Sanctimony/Hyde Hypocrisy story. A lot of people were obviously informed about this, and he had this coming to him because of his hypocrisy. Who on earth could call the actions of a 41-year-old supposedly grown-up man basically purchasing a woman and maintaining her as a kept woman a "youthful indiscretion"? What kind of man would be so dishonest? I would think that the actions of a man that age would be at the heart and soul of who and what he is--a sleazebag hypocrite who believes his office and fancy suits should protect him. In other words, just what they accuse Clinton of.
Anyone for a scorched-earth policy? Let Washington become an Inferno of SEXUAL TRUTHS. Nothing Clinton is accused of is as disgusting as Burton's public denial of his illegitimate son, or Burton's cheap sexist womanizing and other childish antics, on a scale far beyond anything in Clinton's life. Let Burton and his "dumb as a dirt fence" colleagues suffer--not for what they did, but for their sanctimony and hypocrisy. You can't stuff the genie back in the bottle, you Myrons. There is such a thing as "cleansing fire." BURN, BABY, BURN!!!!
September 11, 1998:
I have not yet had a chance to review all of the pornography masquerading as a report that pornographer Kenny Starr has produced, but will try to do that this weekend.
September 10, 1998:
Starr may have filed this one report, but we will not be rid of him in six months, or even a year, as he goes on and on and on. I was disgusted by an acquaintance the other day who, highly vituperatively, referred to the President as "That Slimeball," or something along those lines. Can so many Americans be such moral simpletons, simpletons when it comes to understanding human nature? I agree that the President has behaved shabbily and duplicitously, but so have most Americans. How can this woman and the rest of these hypocrites consider themselves such shining beacons of moral virtue that they can comment on the stuff of someone else’s soul? As this page makes clear, Starr disgusts me. But really, it is his actions, the harm that he does, that disgusts me. When I think of what he "is," what is within his heart and mind, I feel only pity. He, and the vituperative young lady, will never possess self-understanding, or an understanding of the hearts of their fellows and family members, or a sense of proportion.
SEPTEMBER 6, 1998:
I'm actually writing this on Saturday. I see that tomorrow's NYT Magazine will have a big article on how Kenneth Winston Starr got to be the twisted fellow he is today, and I avidly look forward to reading that. Of course, they will be "objective," but I'm sure that any investigative article about Starr, even in the New York Times, will give rich new detail to the portrait of what we've all seen Starr to be.
Also, take a look at this, from the Bush Library. This gives me a real chortle:
SEPTEMBER 5, 1998:
The New York Times editorial page continues to go after the President's hide. And we have squawking from Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman, whose tastefully but sillily permed hair indicates that here we have another candidate for the rich closeted homo club. (He could be a "walker" in New York. He could be a Republican senator. But such a creature--a Democrat? Where are the underage pages when you need them?) These idiots harp on and on and on. How sorry does Clinton have to be? How much does he have to kiss your elite-media and oh-so-moral-congressional asses before you shut up? Write about the news, give us your opinions about the news, but do not bang the drums to oust someone over something so entirely stupid.
SEPTEMBER 1, 1998:
Well, well, well. La Monica has received her first multi-million-dollar book offer, from Harper-Collins. Now, we all know she won't cash in until all this is over, but, Lord, I wish she would. Just think, the value of her testimony could be even less. Not just the testimony of a woman of (at best) average smarts, abilities and skills who went about arrogantly at her government jobs, secure in the knowledge that she was a "top" person. Not just the testimony of a woman who bragged about an affair that any sensible person would never have said a word about. But the testimony of a woman who has finally revealed that she will sell out and betray the man on whom she "kissed and told." It's the same mistreatment of others for the sake of personal ambition that her mother revealed when she (the mother) parlayed a slight acquaintanceship with opera-world people into a smutty book.
And in other news we still have those closet homosexuals Largent and DeLay nattering on about how they want Clinton outta there. Obviously, they've been studying at the Dan Quayle school of governmental wisdom and gravitas. But, hey, when you're purty, you don't need to have cojones or a sex drive or common sense. Just stand up for your dinky, small-town, vision of the world, and to Hell with what anyone else thinks. Don't they know that their time would be better spent being each other's butt-buddies? It's what God intended. It's why He put them both on Capitol Hill. So that they could be...together.
AUGUST 21, 1998:
We have Gingrich's remarks about the "big Republican victory" he expects this fall. How is that? Isn't it the Republicans, the partisans, the far-righters who have been eagerly pursuing this garbage all along, and continue to do so? Kick the idiots out of Congress!!! ENOUGH!!! BASTA!
AUGUST 20, 1998:
Drudge is trumpeting the Clinton anecdote, in which Clinton at the time of the Watergate crisis spoke about Nixon's lies disqualifying him from public office. I trust everyone has already heard about this? Yes, it is, if true, a good story and deserves to be heard. In context. And with some perspective added. Not trumpeted in this shrill way by this idiotic twerp Drudge. Are you, also, perhaps, sick of him? He's hurting not just Clinton but the presidency and the United States. He's lucked into this forum that gives him a massive soapbox. He should use it wisely. I'm all for free speech--that's what this page is all about. But I'm not a jackal. I'm not trying to "bring Starr down," because, sadly, it can't be done. He's just going to go on living his clueless, out-of-touch life and making tons of money. But these people--Drudge and his ilk--are truly trying to bring the President down. Drudge's ego-trip and the evil he does with it reminds me rather of the character Andy Griffith plays in "A Face in the Crowd."
AUGUST 19, 1998:
Amazing! Now the Special Prosecutor's office is investigating in detail Clinton's tie-wearing habits. "What, pray tell, Mr. President, was your motivation in wearing that tie? Were you trying to obstruct justice with that tie?" This is just like the Affair of the Necklace that brought down Louis XVI. Where are the pamphleteers to publish details of this Scandale Sartoriale? Where are they?
AUGUST 18, 1998:
We are all saddened of course by what Clinton has been forced to say, but none of this should ever, ever have been brought into the public or political arena.
Unfortunately, as James Carville recognizes, Starr won't be satisfied until he can destroy the President. If you think or hope that this is the end of the matter, poor you:
AUGUST 17, 1998:
Ken Starr, seeking for weaknesses in Clinton, was grilling witnesses about Clinton's sex life for literally years before the Lewinsky matter blew up, searching for dirt. Perhaps there is--surprise, surprise--a little dirt. I doubt that one in a hundred Americans could stand as models of probity and rectitude with the sort of going-over that Starr and his secret police have given Clinton, on the instruction of Clinton's fascist political enemies. But, of course, Starr must be one of those one-in-a-hundred Americans, since he, after all, has a direct pipeline to God....
AUGUST 16, 1998:
Now we all sit around, eagerly awaiting for this farce/tragedy to come to some sort of dénouement, so that we can all yawn and go home.
AUGUST 6, 1998:
Today Monica is giving the grisly details of her alleged trysts with the president. Does anyone care? More importantly, if this young lady had had any character at all (which she has repeatedly proven she doesn't by: committing forgery and fraud at her college, pursuing affairs with married men, and using her affairs for vainglorious bragging and preening, and just generally being a spoiled, not-very-admirable person), she would have said to Starr, no, I won't cooperate with you, do your worst. She would have to be prepared to spend time in jail, but it would put the ultimately kibosh and end to Ken "May I Sniff Your Underwear?" Starr's repugnant, keyhole-spying investigation.
AUGUST 1, 1998:
An excellent column by Donald Kaul regarding how Tripp is NOT like anyone he knows, and how Ken "May I Sniff Your Underwear?" Starr's investigation is like a sledgehammer destroying civil rights, the Constitution, and America's reputation abroad, to get at what amounts to nothing more than "a fly":
(May require registration.)
JULY 29, 1998:
Reports now say that the mythical semen-stained dress may not be so mythical. Clinton's stalker, Monica Lewinsky, is supposedly going to turn it over to Ken Starr. Great. Ken "May I Sniff Your Underwear?" Starr has reached a new low. Sending his minions to rifle through Chelsea Clinton's underwear drawer wasn't enough for him. Now he wants semen-stained dresses. What's next? Ken "May I Sniff Your Underwear?" Starr sniffing the underwear of all the principals in this travesty on national TV?
JULY 25, 1998:
As we have all now learned, Ken "May I Sniff Your Underwear?" Starr has finally done it: He has subpoenaed the President of the United States because of this CRAP. Any other FOOL would have known enough to say to Linda Tripp when she first came to him, "Well, well, these are very serious allegations. I will be sure to include this in any report. I thank you for your support for the Office of the Independent Counsel. It's Americans like you who make America such a great country." and usher the toad out the door, never to be heard from again. Not Ken "May I Sniff Your Underwear?" Starr. No, he has to pursue this piddling idiocy in the most bizarre, obsessive, partisan, and overreaching way possible. It's no wonder that the American Bar Association has decried his attempts to break the well-established rules of Attorney-Client privilege. It's no wonder that even Judge Norma Hollaway Johnson, a woman known for her pro-prosecution bias, has said that Ken "May I Sniff Your Underwear?" Starr's leaking must stop and must be investigated. It's no wonder that the District of Columbia Bar Association is also investigating Kenny and his accomplices for their wrongful and illegal conduct.