LAPD COPS: No Chief at My Funeral!


...Say That Chief Parks Only Uses Them For Politics.

According to a story in the Los Angeles Times, a number of police officers in L.A. have left word with their next-of-kin that, if they should die in the Line-of-Duty, they don't want the LAPD Chief, Benard Parks, to be standing there with fake tears in his eyes. According to several cops, Parks has no real care for the cops on patrol, and, as one cops says in the Times, Parks is called "heartless," and only goes to funerals "for political reasons."

The head of the LAPD union reports that morale is at its lowest since Parks took over, since Parks has fired 54 officers. In previous years, including those where former politically-correct chief Willie Williams was in command, there were only 11 cops fired in 1997, and 13 in 1996. Fifty-four cops in one years is a very large number, especially when you consider that the LAPD has nowhere the number of officers as the NYPD!

Prosay commends those officers that have stipulated that they don't want Parks weeping and lying over their dead body in order to look good on the 11 PM news. We would recommend that officers in NYC do the same, but needless to say, cops can't be used as pawns unless a lying politican is allowed to weep over a cop that he or she would have fired if the cop hadn't died. Politicians know this. It would be hard to dis-invite just one particular politician (like, maybe, Safir). We do recommend, however, that officers tell their next-of-kin that they don't want a Line-of-Duty Funeral (aka "an Inspector's Funeral") at all. Tell them that only the cops you worked with should be invited to both the wake and the funeral. Uniforms optional.

After all, these are the only people that will remember you and how and why you gave your life. To a politician, your funeral will just be a reason to cancel a lunch with the head of the local political party on the day of the funeral.

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