
A Serious Message From


Prosay has, again, fallen into a failure to keep abreast (as far as Police Review is concerned, anyway) of all the nonsense that is going on within the bi-state area. That's not to say that we don't have a handle on the maliciousness of those admitted cop haters that are attempting to rip at the fabric of this country by destroying its law enforcement community, one city, and one state, at a time.

Frankly, as we said before, covering all this stuff is just too overwhelming, and would only give credence to those politicians (elected or otherwise) that should be ignored. Therefore, we would rather refrain from doing that.

It appears in today's very politically-correct world that just about any interaction with a member of the black community can and will result in some type of investigation against any police officer, regardless of how legal or legitimate the facts are, even if the officers are black themselves! (no, we're not racist; but we can recognize when a political group is trying to make fools of the people they say they "represent").

If you turn out at the start of your tour thinking that everything is business as usual in your command, because the last "episode" didn't happen in your precinct, or your borough, you're only fooling yourself! This is a very serious time in police work in general, and the NYPD in particular! Any incident between a cop and a civilian that has even the slightest inkling of impropriety on the part of the cop, can have enormous ramifications for the officer involved (remember the shooting involving the Transit cop on the East Side subway by the NYPD cop? The NYPD cop was (a) on light duty, (b) on his way home from work, and off-duty, (c) was also shot himself in the fray----and HE was convicted of a Felony!!!)

Having said all that, Prosay must give some advice. To those who have recently come on the job within the last five-or-so years, give some serious thought about taking your years of experience to another state and another police job, if you are so inclined. If you have some college, take advantage of how well the business community is doing, and look into the business world for a career. But, whatever you do, don't hang around New York City....not in a police uniform, anyway! If you happen to be in the 6-to-12 years on the job, you've made a big commitment, not easily given up. If you are looking at the approaching 15 year mark, give serious consideration to vesting at 15 and saving what you have of a pension.

Don't lock yourself in to thinking that (unlike our grandfathers, fathers, and uncles of the NYPD past) this is the only job you'll need in your lifetime. It certainly is not the truth today! We have spoken to many former co-workers and classmates of ours who have left the NYPD years ago to Florida, California, Arizona, and Boulder, Colorado, to take cop jobs. The never said to themselves, "Maybe I shoulda stayed in NYC." They never looked back. Not only is the "quality of life" better for themselves and their families, their respect for their own job (and themselves) is all that much better, too. No matter how old your are now, look around; young age is not a requirement in many of these other jobs today.

Giuliani is pressing hard to hire yet more cops and increasing Academy class sizes, even over the objections of the City Council. Why would he want to do that, with the Department at its present enormous size? Because Rudy knows that the present political atmosphere will have a definite affect on the ranks of the NYPD in the form of mass retirements....and resignations! Rudy knows that only an idiot would hang around these parts as a cop, knowing that a cop's next move--- his or her next legitimate, lawful, move---may put that officer in prison! Indeed, what chance does an officer on patrol have when a politician such as the Bronx DA compares the Dialo incident to a drive-by shooting by premeditated killers?

Only an idiot would stick around for that!

Even our friend Howie Safir has become a little more "ballsy" with the press of late, giving them answers that they didn't expect. That's because rumor has it that even Howie will be bailing out within the next few weeks or months, with Wilbur Chapman taking his place.

With all of this in mind, Prosay has seen the handwritting on the wall, and is thinking about "Pulling the Pin." We have begun to take a look at some serious early retirement opportunities, requiring some further education. Hence, with family, what's left of the job, and our new 'endeavors,' we cannot supply Police Review with the attention we would like to give it, and what the topic of cop as pawn requires.

We have appreciated the many emails that we have received (many pro; some con), and we hope that some story we reported was transmitted to fellow officers in the locker rooms, on meals, or even at roll calls, to make the point that police work is not as romantic as the movies and TV make it out to be.

The Web Site will remain up for as long as feasible for reference.

Good luck to those who take our advice and move on.

God Help those who remain.
