Ronald Reagan

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Ronald Reagan

This is my little tribute to who I consider to be the greatest President of the twentieth century. He restored pride in our Nation when we needed it most. We sure could use a man like him now.

Government growing beyond our consent had become a lumbering giant, slamming shut the gates of opportunity, threatening to crush the very roots of our freedom. What brought America back? The American people brought us back with quiet courage and common sense; with undying faith that in this nation under God the future will be ours, for the future belongs to the free.

State of the Union Address, February 4, 1986

Republicans believe every day is the 4th of July, but
Democrats believe every day is April 15.

Another Great Reagan Quote

Download audio Quote Government is the problem

Download audio The bombing starts in 5 minutes

Some Great Ronald Reagan links

Ronald Reagan Home Page

Ronald Reagan Library

The Real Ronald Reagan By Tony Snow

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If you have any other Ronald Reagan links let me know I will add them

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