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More will go up as soon as I fix the disk drive on my Apple...
Nikolas Rose and the territory of government
Some interesting stuff has been appearing in the journal Economy and Society, using the concept of "governmentality" thrown out in a careless moment by Foucault. My discussion is perhaps written in a kind of parody of the academic style, but I'm sure that a discerning person such as yourself, sir or madam, will not be put off thereby.
Intellectual Property, Copyright and Aboriginal "Folklore".
Copyright protection for Australian Aboriginal "traditional art" is a bit of an issue at the moment. This article dicusses some of the issues and provides
a set of current references which make a
handy starting point for further research.
Governing Culture
This essay exists because I was frustrated with the narrow
framework of the Intellectual Property essay, and thought the issues
might be usefully treated from a "governmentality" framework. (Ie the Foucauldian framework introduced in the "Nikolas Rose" article above).
"Rose" and "Folklore" essays should be treated
as introductions to this one. It was criticized academically for not making the governmentality framework sufficiently explicit, but this is probably more of a plus than a minus in my view.
Pettle Tales
An "Empirical Study of the Place of Contract Law in Small Business" no less!
Native Title and Fiduciary Law
Don't know how its happened but another Native Title essay. Anyone would think this is all I write about at school. In fact its not that, but one way or another (disks that don't work etc) it seems to be almost all that makes it up onto this page.This essay I don't make great claims for except that its fair enough so far as it goes. The conlusion is remarkably reformist, I try in law essays to somehow cross my fingers behind my back in an obvious sort of way but seem to have forgotten to do that this time. Law school is getting to me......I'm gunna (sob) fail Equity (which this is) anyway. But youse might still find something useful here.
There were a few glitches in uploading this essay which I haven't got round to cleaning up yet. But I know about them, so no need to deluge me with cards and letters. (But feel free if you like...)
An Unfinished Investigation into Supposed Common Law Rights and Liberties
What it says. Unfinished and all though, I still had to submit which is sort of embarrassing. Never mind. There is still interesting stuff to be found in this rave and I will continue to work on it, possibly over the years!
Federalism, Corporate Law and Efficiency
A bit rushed but still a useful introduction to Coase, the "Marx" of neo-liberal political economy.