Rising of the right?

This article was first published in the January 1997 edition of Rebel Worker. I was disappointed that it did not generate any discussion, or none that got back to me. "Everyone was too stunned by its originality" one comrade explained, no doubt sending up my self-importance to some extent. But unfortunately it was pretty "original"; in spite of the fact that it largely just stated the obvious.(Although to be sure I would now make some changes) One Nation's star has risen since this article was written. The illusion that One Nation can be ridiculed or intimidated out of existence is slowly fading within Australia's neo-liberal ruling class (and its wayward kids in the left.) I've uploaded it as gif, which is nuisance I know for people with slow connections, but I want to rethink and expand the article and save retyping it till then.
The article is printed on two three-column pages.

Please (pretty please) send me your thoughts.-j

First Page

Second Page

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