comrade !!!
Is communism dead, as the Western media wants us to believe ? Ofcourse not.
Communism is alive and more needed the ever. The socalled 'International Community'(
who are they ? ) is changing the world in one big market, making the rich
countries richer and the poor countries poorer. Their tools ? IMF, World
Bank, and, if violence is necessary, NATO. IMF and the World bank is USA controlled
as is the NATO. The world one big USA. But people all over the
world are more and more resisting. See Seattle, see Goteburg. and all
the other places where were conventions. And the communists are always in
the front, first line. The leaders of 'the free world' are now busy thinking
of ways how to stop the protests, using the violence(
started most times by the police ) as an excuse.
Opposing the new worldorder will be payed with sanctions and/or NATO / USA aggression. See Yugoslavia, see Iraq, see Cuba. The people of Cuba are already paying more then 40 years a heavy price for their desire to be really independent and not to be a colony of the USA. The USA will not rest till their flag is back on the Island. Yugoslavia had to pay also. The Judas government of Serbia, installed after a NATO payed and organised coup, brought their former president Milosevic to the Tribunal in The Hague.
Communists are against terrorism. Esspecially when the victims are civilians. It means we are not only against terrorism commited by Osama Bin Laden and his criminal network but also state-terrorism under the flag of the United Nations. When countries as the United States and Israel are commiting crimes against civilians of other countries they can expect to pay the price once. As long there is poverty in the world the chance of terrorist acts will be available. As long as 22.000 children dies each day of hunger, 2.8 billion people has a income less then $. 2,00 a day and so on, terrorism will excist. People of Irak, Palestina, Libya, Chili, Argentina, Vietnam, Nicaragua and more have more then one reason to be angry at the USA and their loyal followers in Rome, London, The Hague and all the other capitals. The Western countries are now reducing the civil rights of their population in order to find possible terrorists earlier. Real reason is to control the political opposition, esspecially the socialist and communist parties. Now it will be easier to refuse people seeking for political asylum as possible terrorists. Big companies found their excuse to fire thousands of workers , 'because of september 11 '. Before that the people would protest against the decision to fire thousands of people. Now they all 'understand'. Fact is they don't understand but they think they do told by the mass ( state controlled ) media.
Now we are facing the new occupation of Iraq, a country who already suffered so much the last 10 years under the bad regime of Saddam and daily bombardments from the Americans and British. Biggest criminal countries ( their governments that is ) are the USA,Great Britain, Spain and Italy, but also all the other countries for looking the other way: 'wir haben es nicht gewusst'. Even not finding one single evidence Iraq is involved with the criminal network of Osama Bin Laden or having weapons of mass destruction, the country is destroyed by the North American criminals and their European slaves. Baby Bush finished the work Papa Bush. Without the United Nations, the organisation without any more right for existing. Votes in the securitycounsil are bought by the Americans. The prostitute-government of Turkey is bought with billions of dollars for using the land to stall Americans troops. Kuwait, number 1 in violating human rights, will support the Americans ofcourse having their greedy eyes on the oil in Iraq. Now mr. Bush finished the work in Bagdad and installed their pro American regime we will see what country is next; Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia ? Maybe even Cuba ? The anti Castro lobby in the American government is stronger every day, controlled by the Cuban Miami maffia. Contra revolutionaries on the island are busy with hijacking planes, boats, organising illegal immigration dangering the lives of Cubans civillians, getting a helping hand from the US government to make to situation in Cuba unstable and probably to prepare it for another coup attemp.
The Cuban maffia is Miami is very strong and is controlling the brother of mr. President, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida. Good example is the story of 5 Cuban men in American prisons for trying to prevend attacks by anti-Castro terrorist on the island. Please read the info about these 5 heroes on this site.
"Terrorism has replaced Communism
as the rationale for the militarization of the country, for military adventures
abroad, and for the suppression of civil liberties at home. It serves the
same purpose, serving to create hysteria."
Howard Zinn
Searching the web you will there are many Communist sites, as well personal as political parties, trade-unions and more. All these parties should put their hands together and make one strong fist. Marx already said 'Workers all over the world, UNITE'.
I turn down the attacks on the USA, like a communist should. Civilians should NOT be the victims of terrorism. Not of state terrorism and not of religious terrorism. The people of the USA are not to blame the bad politic games of her leaders. Wanting to obtain worldpower is the cause of the anger of a big part of the world.
Click the Lenin order to
see great Commie leaders. Gone but never forgotten.
" Enemies are necessary for
the wheels of the U.S. military machine to turn. "
John Stockwell, former CIA official and author
They are five Cubans who were trying to stop the ultra-right terrorist groups in Miami from carrying out violent actions against the people of Cuba.Since 1959, these organizations have conducted bombings, assassinations and other sabotage, killing hundreds of innocent Cuban civilians. Groups like Alpha 66, Omega 7, Brothers to the Rescue, and Cuban American National Foundation have terrorized the Cuban people for years with impunity. The Cuban people have been targets of U.S. policy, including a 43-year economic blockade designed to punish a whole people who have chosen a different road for building their society. They have been victims of terror attacks by the Miami-based mafia, many of whom came from the wealthy class that left Cuba after the popular overthrow of dictator Fulgencio Batista. Others of the ultra-right in Miami were police thugs for the Batista regime. Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, René González and Fernando González, acting in defense of their people, were living in Miami, monitoring these terrorist groups to prevent future violence. But because the U.S. government - through the CIA - has played the principal role in funding, training and arming the ultra-right Miami mafia, the FBI targeted the five Cubans instead of arresting the terrorists. This is the only reason that the five Cubans are in prison. They were framed up in a political witchhunt and railroaded by the U.S. in a 7-month trial in Miami, where it was impossible for them to have an impartial and fair trial. Falsely charged with espionage on the U.S., in reality, the five brothers' mission was to follow the activities of the right-wing to prevent harm to innocent people. After their arrest by the FBI in September 1998, they were convicted June 8, 2001 and sentenced December 2001. The months-long struggle to free Elián González from the Miami right-wing showed the U.S. people the true nature of these Mafia-type groups in Miami, who so cruelly tried to deny a father and his son their right to live together in their own country, simply because that country is Cuba. Terrorists like José Basulto and Ramón Saúl Sánchez, who have been convicted of criminal acts, actually became "spokesmen" for the Miami family. They vowed never to let Elián return home and put him at tremendous risk for their political aims. To all justice-loving people in the U.S. and
around the world, we appeal to you to join the struggle to free Fernando,
René, Antonio, Ramón and Gerardo. Help us in outreach,
education and organizing, because once people know the facts of the
case, we are sure they will call for their freedom as well. |
The family Bush and Cuban Terrorists from Miami. On 2 December, 'The Guardian' newspaper reports on a new book that reveals links between the family of US president George W. Bush and Cuban exiles living in the US. According to the report, the book 'Cuba Confidential: Love and Vengeance in Miami and Havana', by investigative journalist Ann Louise Bardach, reveals that the connections date to 1984 when the president's younger brother, Jeb Bush, began a "close association" with Camilo Padreda, the finance chairman of the Republican Party branch headed by Bush. Padreda, a former intelligence officer with the Batista dictatorship, later pleaded guilty to defrauding the US housing and urban development of millions of dollars during the 1980s. The book also alleges that Jeb Bush: Was on the payroll of prominent Cuban exile
Miguel Recary during the 1980s. Recary, who had been involved in attempts
by the CIA to assassinate Castro, later fled the US after being indicted
for massive medicare fraud.
" First there's the news and then there's the truth." |
touch the picture
for more info
Miami conspiracy to attack Venezuela
WASHINGTON (PL).- The White House might have announced that it was initiating a war on terrorism, but in its own backyard extremist groups Cubans and Venezuelans are plotting and receiving military training to attack their own countries of origin.
In their determination to bring down Presidents Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, the capos of the F-4 organization, who have admitted their involvement in acts of terrorism against Cuba, plus the so-called Venezuelan Patriotic Front led by a coup officer from the Venezuelan army have signed a "civil-military alliance", according to The Wall Street Journal.
The F-4 Commandos are led by 56-year-old Rodolfo Frómeta and the Patriotic Front by coup member Captain Luis Eduardo García, (aged 37). During last Aprils failed coup détat, he was one of the first military dissidents to attack the Caracas Presidential Palace in order to topple the South American countrys democratically elected president.
According to the daily, the two groups are committed to uniting their "combined military experience and exchanging espionage information" in their attempts to attack the legitimate authorities in Havana and Caracas.
García himself revealed that he is offering military training to 50 F-4 Commando members at a firing range located in the Everglades swamps; 30 of the recruits are Cuban-American and the rest are Miami-based radical dissidents.
Miami has become the refuge for a growing number of anti-Chávez extremists, in the midst of an exodus in which some 10,000 Venezuelans have gravitated to the city in the last three years.
"New arrivals"
discover a well-established Cuban-American community whose most radical sectors
are particularly enthusiastic allies in the fight against Chávez, notes
the publication.
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First day: july 1 1998. Last changed: March 12, 2004 12:00