Sejambak Bunga Untuk Keadilan (Flowers For Justice)

Dear All,
As a show of solidarity against tyranny and our support for justice,you
may start sending flowers to the residence of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Better still, let us personally visit his family and decorate his
house-compound with* flowers of justice* along  the road,..along the the gate!! Let us show our sympathy with the family who have
been slandered,..aniaya, fitnah..victim of a heinous conspiracy now
revealed in court.

Come and bring along your friends to Jalan Setiamurni, Damansara Utama.
Bring your flowers of Justice. Flowers against tyranny to Anwar
Ibrahim's residence from today!! Please spread this appeal.

Malaysia Boleh......BOLEH HAPUSKAN KEZALIMAN!!!!