Kashmir Crisis: A solution
Dr. Hari Krishen Koul
India and Pakistan have been at war with each other for 50 years of the existence of Pakistan. Be it Bangladesh or Kashmir issue, the two rival neighbors can not co-exist peacefully ever. The reasons for rivalry are obvious, yet we do not want to talk about the basic facts that drive these two Nations to war with each other. For Pakistan it is the matter of existence: Pakistan sees secularism as a threat to its mere existence. So it tries to project it self as savior of all Muslims living in India and abroad. Pakistan as a Nation has yet to find reasons for its existence other than being a country for Muslims of undivided India. Indeed Pakistan was created as a state for Muslims living in undivided India. However as the facts stand, more Muslims live in divided India than in Pakistan. This is troubling for mere existence of Pakistan. If Muslims could live in India peacefully, then what is the need for Pakistan?
The reasons for creation of Pakistan (a separate state for Muslims living in undivided India)were based on a flawed notion that Hindus and Muslims can not co-exist in one Nation. Secularism was thought to be a week thread that could hold India together as a Nation, however, fifty years of Indian independence have shown us that Secularism is strong in India today than it was before independence. Secular India has shown to the world that Hindus and Muslims can co-exist as a Nation where religion is separate from state. On the other hand Pakistan experiment has shown to the world that monolithic society is always unstable, unpredictable and unreliable. Dictatorship has ruled Pakistan for over two decades. Transfer of power between successive administrations has resulted in execution of a former Prime Minister and award of life imprisonment for his daughter another former Prime Minister. Majority of the people in Pakistan remains poor and still live in dark ages. A perfect breeding ground for international terrorist recruitment. Pakistan is a nation at war within itself and is trying to engulf the entire neighborhood. In 1971 it was East-Pakistan, now Bangladesh, where Pakistani Army victimized not Infidels, but Muslim men and women in the name of God knows what???, and it was secular India who rescued and liberated them. Now it has targeted Kashmir. Operation TOPAC ???as it is known in international media is the blue print of Pakistani operation in Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. In last decade over 700 000 people have been made to flee their homes in Kashmir by terrorists trained, supported and arranged by Pakistan. Entire minority community of Hindus has been ethnically cleansed and genocide is in progress in Kashmir. Kargil crisis is just but tip of the iceberg.
India-Pakistan conflict or Kashmir conflict as it has been dubbed lately has its origins deep rooted in partition of India in 1947. Thus a logical solution to this problem is to undo the root cause. Anything short of that is limited to short terms and will not lead to long lasting peace to this subcontinent. The one and only lasting solution is re-unification of two parts of India into one Nation under GOD, where, religion is separate from state. Just as in United States of America, United India will be a country where every one can live freely first of all as an Indian and then as a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian or whatever the faith he or she wants to accept: A country that will have no place for terrorists of any kind. Where humanity will flourish and People take priority over personal beliefs of leaders. A country that is aimed at educating people not eradicating the innocent.
Indeed fifty years of Independence of India have shown us that there is no need for the existence of separate India and Pakistan. We must recognize that India and Pakistan is really one Nation and should be reunited. It is high time for those who want to see lasting peace in this sub-continent, to raise their voices for re-unification of India and Pakistan into one Nation.
Copyright: Harikoul@Jammu-Kashmir.org