"Under President Bush, the executive branch...understands that the Second Amendment affirms more than a symbolic principle. It states, after all, that 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'"
---Vice President Cheney to NRA Annual Meeting, April 17, 2004
Welcome to the home page of Sportsmen for Bush. Here you will find information about the President's record on issues important to gun owners and sportsmen, as well as information about the anti-gun and anti-hunting record of John Kerry.
Kerry has a 100%+ rating from the Humane Society of the United States - one of the most anti-hunting organizations in the nation (the organization’s website reads, “The HSUS strongly opposes the recreational hunting and killing of wild animals, as the sport is fundamentally at odds with the values of a humane, just, and caring society” - Humane Society of the United States Web Site).
The Humane Society of the United States and Fund for Animals cited John Kerry as among Senators who have "compiled consistently excellent voting records on animal issues . . ." and who "have emerged as animal protection leaders . . . Kerry has cosponsored almost every piece of animal protection legislation . . . introduced on behalf of animals."( Hidden Agenda - The truth behind John Kerry`s record on your firearms rights, 6/1/04, NRA-ILA.org )
For hunters considering voting for Kerry because he says he supports hunters rights, you should know that Kerry recently left the campaign trail to cast a vote to ban ammunition rounds that are popular with many hunters (the proposal came from Kerry’s more-conservative mentor and senior senator, Ted Kennedy, who specifically mentioned the .30-30 Winchester among others).
Please take a moment and read through the various links to each candidate on the right side of the page. You can download flyers to share with your fellow gun club and hunt club members as well as distribute at gun shows and gun shops. Please check back often as the site is contantly being updated.
Official Home Page of Sportsmen for Bush – Virginia
