New content - see links below

This site last updated 7/19/2002

                Hello. My name is John Edmonds, and I'm the 
                State Steward of the Kentucky Rural Letter
                Carriers.  We are a part of the National 
                Rural Letter Carriers Association, the union
                group for our nation's rural mail carriers. 
                I hope to use this page as a "home base" of 
                sorts, for other carriers to receive 
                information beneficial to their craft.  I want 
                to ensure that all carriers have the 
                information that is so vital to our craft. 
                As we are working in an environment that is
                frequently experiencing change, communication
                has become critical, not only for our members,
                but also our National Officers.  I would hope to,
                in the future, strengthen that communication by
                the sharing of information available at this website.
                               ~John Edmonds

This site will shortly be undergoing (yet another) major overhaul. Hate to say it, but the web master has been extremely lazy (for those who don't know, webmaster=John's daughter Lisa), and so there has been a great shortage of updates lately!! I will rectify this shortly, and try to add some new content (as well as teach Dad how to do this when I'm not here) so, keep checking back. Please send any comments or questions to the webmaster's email or to John's email link below:

Standards Changes and What They Mean
A page to help explain what some of the new changes are, and how they apply to the carrier.
Additional Provisions Implemented by Arbitrator's Award
Some additional provisions to the contract, here for easy perusal.
John's Pictures
A new page to showcase some of the hardworking men and women in our union.
Links Page

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