
Welcome to the I.R.A.M. we are a new and great micronation here on the web. Please feel free to look around our site, may the grace of Allah be upon you. Go in peace.


Salaat information


Mausoleum of the 7th and 9th Imam, peace be upon them, Kadhmyan

Holy Qur'an

Story of Bismallah

President of the IRAM

Contact Information

Islamic Laws, beliefs, and practices

Holy prophets site

Salaat pages

Al-Islam site

Foreign Relations with the Rugen Reich

Information on the elections of the Majlis

New parlimentary committees

Earthquake in Turkey

Graces of Allah, may he grace you

Morning prayers Salat-Ul-Farj

Noon prayers Salat-Ul-Zuhr

Afternoon prayers Salat-Ul-Asr

Evening prayers Salat-Ul-Maghrib

Night prayers Salat-Ul-Isha



Site made by the RMPM, 1999