In regards to the Vietnam Era spitting: In regards to the Beaten Soldiers Story: Here is the original forwarded e-mail: > >Subject: Fwd: FOX NEWS: 'Two of America's Iraqi War Heroes' beaten in >Seattle (OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!] >Subject: Radar Judy: You got this, See Below?? > > > > A telephone call from a fellow "TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT" tonight, just >moments ago, took me to FOX NEWS CHANNEL. I want each and EVERY AMERICAN, >supporter of the troops or not, supporter of President Bush or not, >supporter of this war or not, to GO WATCH FOX NEWS!! SEE WHAT I SAW. Then >decide that you WON'T JUST SIT THERE, THAT YOU'LL ACTUALLY DO >SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > >FOX NEWS is the only news channel showing the footage, telling the truth, >trying to catch the INHUMANE IMBISOLS who are responsible for beating TWO >OF OUR OWN WHO JUST RETURNED FROM IRAQ! > >VIDEO HERE: - News > > >The video is terribly gruesome and difficult to watch, but if you have ONE >IOTA OF DECENCY TO YOU, YOU'LL WATCH. Especially the fine American's who >live in SEATTLE, WASHINGTON!! HELP SEATTLE PD AND THE SEATTLE POLICE >HOMOSIDE UNIT IDENTIFY THESE ANIMALS AND PUT THEM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >SEATTLE POLICE DEPT. REMAIN ANONYMOUS IF YOU WISH >1 - 206 - 684 - 5550 >SEATTLE POLICE HOMICIDE DEPT >1 - 206 - 684 - 5555 > >The Video shows a group of people who have taken two of America's Iraqi War >Heroes to the curb and beating them to unconciousness. They back a car >over them! They take one and stand him up, albeit he is unconcious, making >fun of him, taking photographs, taking video, one man jumps on the already >unconcious and possibly DEAD bodies at chest and neck area, the whole while >the body of an AMERICAN HERO lies limp, beside the curb, he bounces up and >down, takes his shoes, ALL THE WHILE CARS ARE PASSING BY, BUMPER TO BUMPER! > >AMERICA, HAVE WE LOST ALL OUR HUMANITY??? ARE WE NOW A NATION LIKE THE ONE >WE JUST ASSISTED TO FREEDOM, TO DEMOCRACY, TO LIBERATION? ARE WE NOW THE >MOST VIRAL NATION ON THIS GOD CREATED EARTH??? HOW COULD ANYONE DRIVE ON >BY???? IF YOU WILL NOT 'GET INVOLVED' THEN WHO IN HELL WILL???? > >STOP THIS SORT OF 'VIETNAM ERA' ANTI-WAR STUPIDITY NOW!! THANK GOD >ALMIGHTY THAT WE HAVE SUCH BRAVE, CARING AND COURAGEOUS MEN AND WOMEN >WILLING TO VOLUNTEER FOR LIBERATION, FREEDOM, HELPING OTHER NATIONS RUN BY >REDICULOUS TYRANTS LIKE SADAAM HUSSEIN. DON'T TURN AMERICA INTO ANOTHER >IRAQ!! > >CBS, MSNBC, CNN, NEWSPAPERS, RADIO, TV,........WHY AREN'T YOU SHOWING THIS >VIDEO? WHY AREN'T YOU AIDING SEATTLE PD IN IDENTIFYING, ARRESTING THESE >EVIL BEINGS? GET OFF YOUR ASSES!! I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS SORT OF ACTION >IN MY HOMELAND, AND IF YOU WILL, PLEASE, BOOK INTO THE FIRST FLIGHT TO >TIM-BUCK-TWO BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!!!!!!!! > >Real journalism: fair and balanced. That's why we're No. 1 — FOX News >Channel. > >SUPPORT OUR TROOPS >IT'S MORE THAN > >_______________________________________________________ >With Much Love and Many MANY Prayers > ~ Gunni Di ~ Diane Weller >dweller@... >di.weller@... > > >PETITION`FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT~MILITARY CASUALTIES > >BOB HOPE MEMORIAL PETITION > >GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL WHO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM > > > Here is an article about the actual events: Likewise, there is no reference to it on the Fox News site. Generally, if you hadn't heard it on the mainstream news you will need to verify any news you receive via internet alerts. This is not to say that the mainstream media tells you the whole truth, simply that what they do tell you usually must be verifiably true within reason. Simply by using a search engine (, for example) you can search using a few key words from the forward in question. For example, I used the words "seattle soldiers beat" and "vietnam soldiers spit" to search for more information about my examples. From here the rule of thumb is simple: blogs, extreme left or right wing sites, forums, and other psuedo-news sites are completed with review for accuracy and therefore should be ignored across the board (if the story is true, a more credible site will reference it anyway). If after eliminating opinion sites from the list you cannot find a credible reference, then the story may or may not be true and should be treated as a rumor. Otherwise, you should find a believable source to confirm or deny the story.