This page is designed to attract some attention to a few cases (among the thousands, I'm sure) of injustice which are currently happening in the world. Please take the time to read all of the statements and information herein, and then if you wish to help please write letters to the addresses mentioned. Thanks for caring.
My name is Tony Harrison and I was arrested on September 16, 1995 at
5:10 a.m. while I was on my way to Prospect Park (located in Brooklyn)
for my daily workout; at which time I was arrested by detectives Sgt. Kennedy
and Mulhall in a belligerent and antagonizing manner saying I was following
a woman. There were no such woman in front of me or behind me as the detectives
Detectives Sgt. Kennedy and Mulhall detained me against my will and
escorted me down Union Street between Prospect park West and Plaza Street.
I was then taken in front of a woman (Sonia Rodriguez) and another detective
(Hector Sanchez). I asked this woman did I do anything to you and she replied,
"No" and shook her head no! Detectives told me to get against the car and
shut up! While I was against the car, detective (Sanchez) was speaking
to the woman in Spanish.
I asked the detectives what was going on and their response was for
me to get back against the car. At this time, these detectives turned me
around and proceeded to handcuff me. At this point, I was confused as to
what was going on because I had not done anything nor had I broken any
laws for these detectives to harass and illegally detain me. Several other
law enforcement officers came from nowhere and grabbed my neck and arms.
These officers commenced to handcuff me. I was then placed in the back
of the detectives’ car and taken to the 71st precinct.
Upon my arrival at the precinct, I was placed in a holding pin all
morning not knowing what I was in there for. While in the holding pin,
I began to get sick because I had not taken my medication for seizures
(medication which I normally take every morning after I work out). I asked
an officer if I could call my mother because I needed my medication. I
was allowed to make my phone call and it was during this time that I informed
my mother of my being taken into custody. I asked her to contact my lawyer
because I was being detained for nothing.
After I made my phone call, I was placed back in the holding cell.
At this point, I blanked out. When I awoke, I was traumatized, dizzy, and
splitting saliva all over myself. EMS workers and several officers were
standing over me asking me a lot of questions. The EMS personnel asked
me did I want to go the hospital due to my seizure attacks. The officers
told them that if I was taken to the hospital the process would take all
day and that the police had scheduled me for line ups to be conducted and
the line ups always come first.
Detectives escorted me into and interrogation room that had a mirror.
There were several other people in the room with numbers on their chest.
I was not physically able to put up a struggle with the detectives, so
I complied with their orders. After the line ups, I then learned I was
placed in seven different line ups and I was supposed to have been picked
out by a complainant by the name, Shirley Carel who, oddly enough, had
also picked out someone else in a similar line up several weeks prior to
my arrest.
Out of the seven line-ups held for the seven victims, I was allegedly
picked out only once. The District Attorney as well as the police officers
had knowledge that (complainant) Shirley Carel picked another individual
as her attacker in July (1995) prior to my arrest in September.
The detectives Hector Sanchez and Sgt. Kennedy as well as other officers
were at every viewing, interrogation and interviews of all victims.
Therefore it is no reason why I should have been labeled as the park
Slope Serial Rapist by the Police Department, as well as the media on September
17th and 18, 1995.
I am being used as a scape goat for the police department to quiet
down the Park Slope Community because the community of Park Slope had been
protesting the police department’s slacking off on the job in resolving
these crimes. The community has been saying for a long time that the police
have failed to solve this long string of related crimes.
The media-playing detectives went home and changed in to suits and
reemerged later saying that they have a suspect for the series of rapes
in the Park Slope and Boerum Hill Community.
Detectives escorted me out of the 71st precinct in front of the media
cameras and the detectives put me in their car and drove me down Sullivan
Place and only too quickly return to the block and put me back in y holding
cell from the back entrance.
This is a major issue of police corruption that must be dealt with
because the real rapist has continued to terrorize the Park Slope community
and has attacked three more women and even more since I was arrested? Proof
of this matter is supported by numerous articles in the New York Daily
News article dated November 23, 1995, New York Post, November
23, 1995, New York Times, November 24, 1995 and the Downtown
News, November 24, 1995. These attacks are in the same pattern and
in the same community of Park Slope and Boerum Hill.
Five hundred people from the Park Slope area and the Boerum Hill
community protested and marched in the middle of 1995 against the police
not protecting their community. So because pressures from the communities,
the police snatched up anyone they could fine (me) as a "suspect" for the
media in order to quiet the public down and to look as good as possible
in the eyes of the public.
The police knew that they didn’t have the real suspect for any of
the rapes. So they did what they usually do, pull someone (like myself)
with a record and on parole, who cannot afford the proper legal representation.
That seems to be the easiest way for them to solve some cases.
Instead of the Assistant District Attorney (ADA, Nanci Slater) investigating
the matter of the police possibly having an innocent man, they continue
the corruption by the Police Department with the Sex Crimes Unit in the
77th, 78th and 84th precinct.
I was indicted illegally when Nanci Slater did not allow seventeen
grand jurors know that I was placed in seven line-ups and was picked out
only one time by one complainant who had also picked out someone very different
from me in physical characteristics almost two months prior to my arrest
in September.
I am currently facing a female judge, Ann Feldman, who ironically
lives in the Park Slope Community. Can she be unbiased in this situation
and violate my Constitutional Rights to due process of law? Instead of
the judge investigating the evidence and probing below the surface of the
shallow evidence of the ADA, she has let the ADA taint and/or fish for
expedition in uncharged crimes.
Judge Feldman allowed ADA Slater to get a court order by another
woman Judge JoAnn Ferdinand months into the case.
This court order was for blood samples of DNA testing for an uncharged
crime. The ADA claims she has forensic evidence from another crime scene
and ignores the facts of innocence for the crime that I am charged with.
The ADA wanted my blood for a fishing expedition in order to cover herself
for the lack of evidence and also (possible) taint the evidence with my
DNA sample.
So I was ordered by Judge JoAnn Ferdinand, a friend of Judge Ann
Feldman, to give blood for an uncharged crime.
On February 15, 1996, I was court ordered to Kings County Hospital
Prison Ward against my will. When I reached the hospital, I was handcuffed
and shackled up by correctional officers because I refused to comply. There
was not a lawyer present and it was during the month of Ramadan, a month
in which I am required not to give up blood because of fasting. I explained
to the officer that I am a Muslim and I am fasting and also requested for
my lawyer, Robert C. Newman, to be present.
They withdrew blood nine times in the same arm while I was shackled
and handcuffed by a man in plain clothes as arresting officer (Hector Sanchez)
stood in the background laughing at the injustice being committed by these
correctional officers.
I've been communicating with Tony through letter
writing and I've found him to be an intelligent, friendly, caring and compassionate
person. His story is one which could easily happen to any of us, as he
says he was wrongly imprisoned by "the same justice system that's designed
to protect me, and my rights by the constitutional law".
Tony was in jail when these serial rapes began,
and they continued when he was arrested (while out on parole) in 1995,
although he is locked away they still continue, so obviously he is an innocent
men being placed in a guilty man's cell.
If you also believe in human rights and want
to try and bring about justice in this situation then please write to the
following addresses: stating your knowledge of this case, your concern
that an innocent man's life is condemned on death row while the real perpetrator
is still out there threatening the Park Slope Community;-
The following are places which have material
on Tony Harrison’s situation, and have media power, please encourage them
to use their power of delivering information to the community of Park Slope,
stating that the real offender is still out there and that Tony Harrison
is an innocent man, who was never a threat to their community:-
Please remember that one voice can begin a chorus of voices, which
can them bring about change. Every contribution to this cause is beneficial.
Human Rights concern all of us. Thankyou.
If you would like to write to Tony yourself for more information, of to support him, his details include:-
Mr. Tony Harrison, #97-A-1299
Of course in such situations the old saying "money talks..." applies, Tony has set up a legal defense fund for himself so that he may one day afford adequate legal representation to prove his innocence. If anyone can afford to make a donation of any size it would be very much appreciated, and really would make a great difference. Money could be sent directly to Tony Harrison at the above address, in the form of USA currency (for small amounts), or as a U.S. money order with his name and number stated on it, with your address also mentioned. Thanks.
Sign the Guestbook, I'll be sending copies of the guestbook material
to Tony Harrison, and to the above addresses, think of it as a petition!
It'd be great to get some responses.
NO. #1. The Story Never Told To The Media.
Tony Harrison.
Ms Lynn W.L. Fahey
2 Rector St - 10th Floor
New York
N.Y. 10006
Mr. William A. Loeb
2 Rector St - 10th Floor
New York
N.Y. 1006
United States District Judge
United States District Court
United States Eastern District
225 Cadman Plaza East
N.Y. 11201
regarding case No.#96-CV-1465 (S.J.)
45 Monroe Place
N.Y. 11201
Mr. George E. Curry
Emerge Magazine
P.O. Box 7126
Red Oak,
IOWA. 51591-0127
Mr. David Mays
215 Park Ave south - 11th Floor
New York,
N.Y. 10003
Auburn Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 618
N.Y. 13024
Please send more in this direction.
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