Now, its your turn

(and time for us to listen)


We appreciate the dozens of emails we received since the publication of Volume I of Vision: Within and Without. Some of the more memorable ones are contained below. We appreciate your comments and concerns. We also invite you to submit these for publication in a future volume. We will also try to answer any questions you may have for the team. Let us hear from you.


" Usually parables tell us something and we LISTEN. Your story is right on target, and from personal experience you can know that the exact scenario you describe is going on in Wisconsin at the Wisconsin School for the Visually Handicapped ".

 " Very nice first issue, folks. You pose some interesting questions and issues which I will look forward to following. I added you to my address book, and will be reading your feelings/ideas/thoughts from now on. I am sure you will "push my buttons" on topics, but this discourse is extremely important for all of us. Forums like this are, I feel, invaluable ".

 " Dear Merlin, Sir Michael and Lancelot-- It's late and I'm tired, but you have given me the last laugh and hope of the evening at your website-- the address of which I found on the AER list-serve. I have no idea who you are, but I agree with everything you've said-- BUT don't get too excited, for I am but a "mom"-- not an illustrious "professional" in the VI field ".

Merlin: "There's nobody else more important, either in this field or world, mom",

" Although I'm still a student and brand new to the field, I have already observed the strengths and weaknesses that you discuss on your website. And I agree with 99.9% of what you stated. It is my belief that your website is EXACTLY what this field needs in order to stay honest and be able to look at its own practices objectively. You have my support and praise!!!! WAY TO GO!"

 " I think that the first step in improving this field is for each and every professional (including myself--all of us!) to critically examine our own beliefs, feelings, and attitudes about blindness and the people we serve. "

Merlin: You have cut right to the truth. This is Merlin's sole reason for this web site.

" I'm interested in knowing what was the content of the offensive article. I've read the whole page, and wonder if it was the story on NFB, or the one on the worst ideas in the field. Would you mind clueing me in?"

Merlin: None of the above. In fact those two articles didn't raise any concerns or negative comments from anyone. However, there was one bad puppy who wrote a brilliant parody, but it would have gotten us into trouble since he didn't check with the subject of the parody first. We decided to pull it early on."

 "Please don't print this (on the very, very off-chance you might have thought of it...I would be thrust farther to the fringe than I already am!!). I just feel that *Merlin* seems like an excellent forum for the unpleasant truths, or our view of it. I really needed to spout!! Thanks for listening.."

Merlin: Uh, okay. We won't print the rest of your email. However, we did find your suggestion about hot tapioca, rather than warm Jello, in the hot tub very interesting".


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