How the process might work

By Sir Michael


What follows makes the assumptions that the following have been established: (1) there is concensus on perhaps 20 core values within the field of VR services provided by State VR agencies, (2) an independent body or professional organization has stepped forward to manage the flow of the process, (3) consumers have played a lead role throughout, (4) criteria for demonstration of how values are applied have been developed, (5) the process for site visits has been defined, and (6) the full process have been field tested with numerous sites and evaluated by qualified consumers and peers.

Reaching this level of accomplishment will require a great deal of work, but not the 5-10 years others require to develop and test "standards". The process needs to include some of the following, although much is still to be determined. Some finer points characterizing this process might include: (1) the concept of a lengthy self-study is eliminated, (2) costs are reduced, (3) core values replace standards, (4) results can be quantified, and, most importantly, (5) the burden of proof of adherence to core values focuses upon demonstrating evidence of how they have been put into action.

Paramount to the process is the question of how an agency demonstrates commitment to putting values into action. Any agency can make a claim to certain values, but how is this demonstrated? First, it is important each core value have a clear definition, based upon established concensus. Second, each core value needs to have criteria by which adherence can be measured.

For example, one core value may be the following statement, "The agency will serve a population which models the diversity of the state's population". What criteria may apply? Well, if 28% of the state's population are African-American, but African-Americans make up only 5% of the statewide caseload, obviously there may be a discrepancy. Compliance with this value may need to become a high priority for the agency.

Once core values and criteria are agreed upon by a diverse group of service providers and consumers, several management issues remain. For example, who will administer and manage the process? How can we prove the core values truly represent standards of excellence? How will the on-site visit process work?

There are many questions which need to be resolved and these will be addressed with your input and recommendations as a primary source of expertise. We hope you will contribute your ideas and recommendations as to what you consider as core values. This is the first step. Please let us hear from you.

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