A love letter to Kathy Megivern
From Sir Michael
My dearest love,
I am sorry I missed your party at the AERLift conference in Washington. The pain would have been too much to bear; knowing that our secret love these many years was coming to a doomed end. For this reason, I write you this testament to my undying love and affection. I know this is hard on you, but try to keep up appearances, just as you have these last 12 years since we first met.
We will always have so many fond memories, in spite of the fact our love had to remain hidden from your adoring public. Remember the time in that remote cabin when we stayed up all night watching the Star Trek marathon and painting each other's toenails? Remember when you, Carl Augusto and I started those silly rumors about those funding cuts? That Carl, what a kidder!
We had a great time together. Remember when our friend Pris Rodgers was head of the blind VR agency in Kentucky and we made up that story about how the governor was getting ready to fire her? Well, I guess that one rather backfired, but it seemed funny at the time. Also,the time we kept telling Rick Welsh he was the funniest person on earth and that people loved all his puns. Speaking of which, should we have really told the NFB that NAC called them "a pathetic bunch of whiners"? Did we contribute to an irreparable split that has harmed our entire field? Could it be we were out of line? Naaah. Who cares?
Seriously, you have been one of the best leaders in our field and you will be missed as Director of AER. I will miss you in that role.
We had it great for many years.
You will always be my very own true love!
Sir Michael