My secret love affair with the NFB (seriously)

Lady Yvain

In spite of the fact they can be a pain in the butt, and the fact we love to make fun of their tactics, the fact is our field needs the National Federation for the Blind (NFB)! They are a necessary evil, but with a little revamping, could become the most powerful force in our field. If they could stop pissing everybody off, they might actually help improve services to consumers in our field.

The NFB keeps us honest. They make us remember to never take our clients for granted. They have helped give blind consumers a voice in politics and in the media, for better or worse.

Our Merlin's "love-hate" relationship with the NFB has mostly dwelled upon all the reasons many people have learned to distrust them. This goes back to the time when every director of a state VR agency serving people who are blind was attacked and deemed incompetent if they were sighted. To the NFB, blindness was not a condition; it was a qualification. They have also attacked any system they cannot control (NAC) and have supported some of the dumbest ideas in our field (see other article).

No, these are not reasons to love them. In spite of all the above, it is because of their potential to become a positive force in our field if they choose to do so. It is a wonder that we are ever successful in advocating for improved services the way this field is divided. Yet if all major groups of advocates in our field could work together with a united voice, it is inconceivable that any challenge could not be achieved.

Is it likely the leadership at NFB can look beyond their petty differences with others and attempt to work cooperatively with other advocates? Many would say no, at least not until their own members wise up and get tired of their games. However, at least there is that spark of potential!


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