Thank you, from Merlin

You know the routine: The goal of this site is to critically examine the field of education and rehabilitation of people with blindness. Articles will mostly be serious, often humorous, and always thought-provoking. Some will just be plain silly.

Judging by the response to Volume One, we have had at least a small impact among service providers in our field. We thank you for the seventy or more emails you sent us. Without a single exception, they were very positive.

In this issue, we are taking an ambitious effort to you - the people who make our field successful. We are undertaking, with your help, an effort that is no less challenging than completely opening up the accreditation process in our field. We are so bold (read naive) to think we can present an entirely new, functional approach to standards of excellence in our field.

Think we're crazy!? Okay, maybe, but at least read the material, then tell us why it may or may not work. Most importantly, help us with this task. What do you consider to be core values in VR?

What should we really be concentrating upon in terms of putting values into action? Let us hear from you.

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