Occupational Therapists in Vision Rehab -

Comments from Aernet



* "There is a large market out there--because OTs can bill for Medicare services, they are considered assets to optometric/ophthalmologic practices and are being trained on the job. Occupational therapists have worked hard to obtain recognition by the medical community--perhaps low vision specialists need to follow their lead."

* "They then go on to offer training and even location of OT's to do Low vision and ADL training. Now, maybe I'm just a little sensitive, since I'm an RT AND a newly Certified Low Vision Therapist, but it doesn't seem that they're on the cutting edge of low vision therapy if they aren't even aware of the new certification available and the reasonably long standing role of RT's."

* "I attended one of their trainings out of curiosity several years ago. They presented an excellent introductory course. All but a few attendees were OTs. I do share your concerns about individuals with very little training and understanding of low vision providing services."

* "I have been working in the field for 23 years and I have worked with Ophthalmologist and Optometrists for all those years too. There is not a year that I haven't had to present a functional vision report to assist the doctor when he does his examination. "

* "I am offended that that professional community would turn to professionals outside the field. I believe that if there is that kind of training occurring in cooperation with the eye care community it should be with RTs and TVIs and other related educationally based professionals."

And now, the Last Word:

* "I can well understand how upsetting it must be to hear, with greater and greater frequency these days, that OTs are the professionals currently being included in the "package" of services offered by eyecare professionals! New York's licensing bill, introduced into the State Legislature this past spring, is intended to protect the safety of consumers who are blind or partially sighted by ensuring that only qualified vision rehabilitation professionals provide them with the skills and services they need."




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