This is the place for the Black Male.
(Proclamation) Whereas Black People in America face social and economic problems and Whereas this problem is a result of them being dependent on others and Whereas the problems have been going on for 400 years since they were brought to America against their will and whereas all there work and energy has gone to building the civilization of another people and Whereas Black People no longer desire to be dependent on others Therefore be it resolved that we are Ebonyheights™.From now on Ebonyheights™ will be a model country I thing we will have some fun.Under the Ebonyheights™ Code of umoja we are the umoja nation of Ebonyheights™.See the Ebonyheights™ code of umoja at the foot of this page.Today's Date Is:
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Ebonyheights rules under the
Ebonyheights Code of Umoja
Article:1 Land
The land now known as Portsmouth,Virginia U.S.A is whereby The umoja Nation of Ebonyheights as of July 25 2005
Article:2 Citizenship
Any Black Person born in the U.S.A may become a Sovereign in Ebonyheights™ any child born to a Sovereign of Ebonyheights™ is a Sovereign of Ebonyheights™any person who is or becomes married to a Sovereign of Ebonyheights™is a Sovereign of Ebonyheights™.
Article:3 Currency
The currency of Ebonyheights™ is The Ebonyhour™ one Ebonyhour™is the same as ten U.S.A.Dollars.
Article:4 Marriage
In Ebonyheights™ marriage is the act of one man and a woman or one man and more than one woman who hold them self out as husband and wife.
Article:5 Common Law
All rules not in the Ebonyheights™code of umoja will be that of the Common Law
Article:6 Executive Branch
The top ruler of the umoja nation of Ebonyheights™ will be that of the President The President can recogaize who he will as Sovereign in Ebonyheights™.the President is C.E.O.
Article:7 Religion
The Umoja Nation of Ebonyheights™ recocgaizes Yahweh as god and we also recocgaize the Ten Comments.It is ok to Pray in school.
Article:8 Language
The language of Ebonyheights™ is Ebonics
Article:9 Disclaimer
Ebonyheights™is a model nation all rules here are that of this model nation don't go out and do something in some other nation and say you got the idea from us. or that it's ok in Ebonyheights™.If you are under 18 years old come back and see us when you get over 18 years old.
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