This website is designed to educate you about present day race relations in America by tracing the history of discrimination faced by two major ethnic groups in the United States. These two major ethnic groups, African-Americans and Asian-Americans, have experienced both similar and different forms of discrimination.
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
---by Martin Luther King Jr.
All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Fire Next Time
Snow Falling on Cedars
History of Prejudices Against African-Americans
History of Prejudices Against Asian-Americans
Comparism of Rasicsm Between African and Asian-Americans
Racism's Effects on Society
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This page was designed by:
Grace Hsiung, Jennie Law, Jenny Tuan, and Andrea Wu
Students at Winston Churchill High School last updated June 10, 1998
Technical Assistant: Peter Law