No War but the Class War: revolutionary opposition in London to the Gulf War, 1990-1991
No War but the Class War was a London-based group active in opposing the Gulf War in 1990/91. What follows is a collection of leaflets and other texts from No War but the Class War (NWBTCW) as well as related articles. More texts from this period will be added soon.
No War but the Class War - remembering and reflecting ten years after (2001)
In the Gulf, in the North Sea, we won't die for oil profits (NWBTCW leaflet, September 1991)
We won't pay for the bosses' war (NWBTCW leaflet, September 1991)
Letter on Iraq (Merseyside Anarchist News, October 1990)
Statement of Principles (NWBTCW, January 1991)
Sabotage the war effort! (NWBTCW leaflet, February 1991)
Lessons from the Struggle Against The Gulf War (article from Aufheben, no.1, Autumn 1992)
See also at Practical History:
Iraq: a century of war and rebellion (a chronology of key events from the founding of the state of Iraq to the 1999 US and British attacks, with strikes, mutinies and massacres along the way (updated December 1999).
The Class Struggle in Iraq: an interview with a veteran (a participant describes the class struggle in Iraq from the 1940s to the present, and the development of an anti-leninist communist movement - first published in 'Workers Scud - no patriot can stop us', 1991)
Eyewitness in Halabja (the background to the massacre in Iraqi Kurdistan in in March 1988 (first published in Wildcat, 1989)
Ten Days that Shook Iraq (Account of the 1991 uprisings in Kurdistan and Southern Iraq at the end of the Gulf War).
Do you remember the first time? (An overview of international resistance to the Gulf Massacre 1991 )
War damages health - and the health service (A detailed account of the impact of the 1991 Gulf War on the health service in Britain, including opposition amongst health workers. Includes examples of anti-war leaflets produced by health workers).
Last updated: 8 October 2001
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