Do Right Dads---Home Page

This is my wife, Mary, and myself at the Grand Canyon in the summer of 1998.
If music does not start automatically click on the button or arrow to hear "My Heart Will Go On." My heart for my kids will always go on regardless of whether I am fortunate enough to see them or not.

Welcome to the Do Right Dads Home Page - Thanks for visiting and please sign the guestbook or e-mail us at

This Site is Dedicated to Those Dads That Pay Their Child Support. I am glad to hear that there are more of us than was once thought.

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Why the Do Right Dads?

The Do Right Dads was established in 1997 to help those Dads that pay their child support.

Many of these Dads don't get the respect they deserve.

They can also be treated like second class citizens because they cannot afford the nicer things in life because they are trying to support their children.

These are the reasons I started the Do Right Dads.

Introduction of the Founder

My name is Kent Logan, and I paid child support from 1990 until 2000 when my youngest graduated from high school. I did live many of those years wondering if I was going to make it financially.

I have had some tough times, but I know there are many others who have had much worse than I have.

I would like to hear many of the stories from these Dads because it will help many of us appreciate what we do have.

We have been contacted by the "Oprah Winfrey Show" inquiring about the organization.

I haven't been able to secure a spot on the show yet, but I do keep in contact with one of the associate producers of the show about a possible show at a later date.

To contact the show, please go to the Oprah Web Site.(Click here to Enter Oprah's site) When visiting her site please request that they do a show recognizing the Do Right Dads.

I would also like to mention that I am not an attorney so I cannot give any legal advice. I suggest that you consult an attorney when there are issues involving custody or parental rights.

Do Right Dads signup here

If you are a Do Right Dad, and you would like to join forces with us, please mail your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and the name of the county & state where you pay your child support to: Kent Logan, 3934 Guadalupe Lane Frisco, TX 75034.

If you have further questions, you may call Kent Logan @ (214)407-6578 or e-mail at

I do not require that you send any money to the Do Right Dads, just use the money to take care of your children.

However please fill out the guestbook form which provides any information that I would need.

If you would like to visit a site which can provide more information, PLEASE CLICK HERE. TO GO TO CUSTODYSOURCE.COM.

If you would like to search Geocities, or the Web, please use this search box.

Please take the time to sign my guestbook also.

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