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to the web page of the
Libertarian Party
of Collin County
Libertarians believe that our founders were right when they wrote and ratified our nation's highest law, the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We advocate a return to smaller government as envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. The best campaign reform is to end the immoral use of legislation to benefit some groups at the expense of others. The Libertarian Party -- the Party of Principle -- advocates personal responsibility and individual liberty. A Libertarian vote affirms the principles of our founders. Vote for freedom instead of trying to choose the "least bad" of the two big government parties. Unlike Republicans and Democrats, Libertarians defend the original intent of the Constitution and the entire Bill of Rights... not just a few select phrases.
Page / Site Contents (updated
Hot News
Campaign and Candidate Links
Go to this page for election information documents and web links -- maps showing the new State and Congressional districts for 2002, candidate requirements, etc.
Upcoming Events
Get automatic notification of upcoming Collin County Libertarian events by emailing the webmaster: .
October 15, 2002 [Tuesday] at 7 PM: Supper Club Meeting at Colter's BBQ, 921 N. Central Expressway on the frontage road near the Collin Creek mall. Among other activities, we'll discuss the upcoming elections and ways to influence your friends and acquaintances to cast Libertarian votes in November.
Colter's faces the Highway 75 service road [on the west (southbound) side], between 15th Street and Plano Parkway in Plano; see this map for the exact location. We'll be in the meeting room at the back of the restaurant. If the interactive map link fails, click here for a static map.
November 19, 2002 [Tuesday] at 7 PM: Supper Club Meeting at Colter's BBQ, 921 N. Central Expressway on the frontage road near the Collin Creek mall. The elections will be over, but we still have plenty to do. The new Texas Legislature convenes early in 2003, and we need to let our Representatives and Senators know what they should do -- and what possible laws they should prevent! See above for a map to Colter's.
Recent Events
September 17, 2002: BIRTHDAY PARTY! We celebrated the birthday of the Constitution of the United States at our Libertarian Candidates' Night, held on our regular monthly meeting date. We had an excellent turnout of members and guests to meet the Libertarian candidates for Governor (Jeff Daiell) and Senator (Scott Jameson), as well as many other Libertarians running for the Texas Senate, Texas House, and US House of Representatives.
July 3 - 7, 2002: Libertarian Party National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. About 35 Texas delegates were part of the proceedings which included excellent speakers, events, and socializing with Libertarians from across the country and around the world. The pre-convention web page for the Libertarian Party National
2002 Convention has information on what took place. The Collin County representatives had a fantastic time. It's not too early to plan to attend about the 2004 convention in Georgia...
June 7, 8, and 9, 2002: Libertarian Party of Texas State Convention at the Embassy Suites at Dallas Market Center.
The final phase of the Texas Libertarian nominating process took place at the State Convention -- which convened practically in our back yard! See the Libertarian Party of Texas
web page for the convention results and candidates nominated. Special congratulations go to Scott Jameson, who was chosen over two other well-qualified candidates to represent us in the US Senate race this year.
March, 2002: Precinct, County, and District Conventions.
The Collin County Libertarian Party had its nominating conventions in accordance with Texas Libertarian Party rules and Texas state law. We nominated over a dozen Collin County and multi-county candidates, and we'll be posting more information about their campaigns soon. Thanks to everyone who stepped up to lend their names to Liberty; now, let's work on getting them elected!
See the national LP's 30th Birthday press release here.
Libertarian Links
Wanted: Links to Liberty!
Most of us have favorite Internet sources for news, issues, and information for freedom advocates. Still other sites are worth monitoring to track anti-freedom proposals. Some of you have personal websites that other libertarians would find useful and enjoyable. Email Mark Wilson, the webmaster with your suggestions; we'll post links to the most popular, informative, and/or useful sites and to the personal sites of DFW-area libertarians.
Join the Libertarian Party -- As a Texas resident, your membership in the National LP also makes you a member of the Texas LP and brings you a subscription to the Lone Star Liberty newsletter.
I Advocate Liberty -- Excellent links to current events and liberty resources hosted by one of our members, Robert R. Virasin. " 'I Advocate Liberty' is dedicated to providing news, commentary and analysis from a free market, classical liberal, libertarian perspective."
An Introduction to Libertarianism -- An overview of libertarian philosophy and the libertarian movement. "Everyone should be free to do as they choose, so long as they don't infringe upon the equal freedom of others." -- The single most comprehensive source for information on liberty; news, links, and the libertarian perspective on every political topic.
International Society for Individual Liberty -- The home of the international libertarian movement and a fantastic source of outreach materials and information. The next ISIL World Conference is planned for July 28 to August 1, 2002 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. (See? Working for freedom can be fun!)
Reason Magazine Online -- Free Minds and Free Markets, in email updates and/or the monthly magazine. Frequent updates on current events make the site worth regular visits, and the magazine subscription is well worth the cost.
A Human Right -- Are firearms in the hands of citizens an asset or a liability? Whichever position you hold, you should visit this site.
The webmaster wrote a Letter to the Editor of the Wylie News, and they published it. [Slow news week.] Read it here.
Contact the Collin County Libertarian Party
Ask about upcoming events, add yourself to the CCLP email or snailmail lists, suggest content or links for this site... just get in touch with us.
Email the Collin County LP by contacting Mark Wilson, the webmaster-in-training:
Collin County Libertarian Party Hotline: (972)517-1789.
September 11, 2001
Original "Mommy Liberty" artwork copyright by the artist, Eliza Gauger. Used with permission.