1946 Exile from Makassar to Serui, Yapen, Waropen

On June, 17th 1946, by the - then trying to return - Dutch Colonial Regime, Dr. G. S. S. J. Ratulangi (or Ratu-Langie) and six other leaders from Makassar, were thrown into exile to Serui, Yapen - Waropen, Irian Jaya (at that time : "Netherlands' Nieuw Guinea")

"...at the very heart of our Circle of Influence is our ability to make and keep commitments and promises. The commitments we make to ourselves and to others, and our integrity to those commitments, is the essence and clearest manifestation of our proactivity ...."(Stephen R. Covey,1994)

From left to right :1. Lanto Daeng Pasewang, 2. I. P. L. Tobing, 3. Dr. G. S. S. J. Ratu-Langie, 4. Soewarno, 5. Josef Latumahina, 6. W. S. T. Pondaag, 7. H. I. A. Saleh Daeng Tompo

The objective of this homepage is: to collect and expose the notes on the period of exile in Serui, the effects it had on the historical development of the region. I recognize that the spirit of the Indonesian Unity was seeded then, and grew as a result of interaction of the exiled persons with the surrounding society.

Back to Makassar in 1946

The paragraphs below are from page 50 and 51 of the book "From the formation of the State of East Indonesia towards the Establishment of the United States of Indonesia" by Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta 1996.

"...... The consequence of this decision (Editor: not to cooperate withe the CONICA) was that the Makassar CONICA , who held the opinion that Dr. Ratulangi's and the People's Security Center's stance meant that the formation of a new "government" structure in South Sulawesi and the effort to "restore security and civil government" would be hampered, decided to arrest Dr. Ratulangi and several members of the People's Security Center to be sent into exile.

On April 5 1946 Dr. Ratulangi was arrested by the CONICA, along with other members of the People's Security Center, including Lanto Daeng Pasewang, Pondaag, Latumahina, Inchi Mohammad Saleh Daeng Tompo and Tobing. At first Dr. Ratulangi and his colleagues the Hoge Pad prison in Makassar, in Mid June they were flown in the plane Catalina to exile in Serui, Irian Jaya. The following month Dr. Ratulangi's wife, the wives of the other prisoners and Major(Editor: ????) Soewarno were transported to Serui to be joined with the prisoners. Dr. Ratulangi and his colleagues were freed from their incarceration on March 23 1948, and were brought by the Dutch to Yogyakarta.

After the arrest of Dr. Ratulangie and his colleagues CONICA continued his endeavour to assemble a new "government structure" by working with Nadjamoeddin Daeng Malewa and his colleagues.

A number of rajas displayed a non-cooperative attitudes toward NICA after the arrest of Ratulangi including Andi Mappanyukki, Datu Suppa, and Andi Djema of Luwu, meanwhile in the interior, the pemudas were attempting to put pressure on NICA, like what happened in the interior of Luwu. NICA apparently was able to "control" the situation with the help of Dutch troops (Editor: Westerling ???), newly-arrived for the purpose of later replacing the Allied troops. On June 2, 1946, Andi Djema of Luwu was arrested by the Dutch because he was considered a Republican ...... "

Dari buku: "Kronik Revolusi Indonesia" Jilid II (1946), Pramoedya A. Toer, Koesalah S. Toer dan Ediati Kamil, KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), 1999. :

Halaman 168:

1946 April 5, Gubernur Republik Indonesia untuk Sulawesi Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratulangie dan beberapa orang pemuda (Editor: mungkin maksudnya: pemuka) lainnya ditangkap oleh Belanda di Makasar. Berkenaan dengan hal itu Pemerintah Republik mengajukan protes kepada tentara Sekutu.

Halaman 237:

1946 Juni 17, Pemerintah di Jakarta memperoleh kabar bahwa militer Belanda telah mengasingkan Gubernur Sulawesi, Dr. Ratulangie dengan pembantunya kesebuah pulau tidak jauh (Editor: ???) dari Makasar. Menurut kabar itu, memang mereka tidak dapat dituntut dimuka pengadilan, tetapi merekapun tidak dapat dilepaskan begitu saja. Alasan pengasingan adalah pasal 20 S.O.B. (Staat van Oorlog en Beleg) atau Keadaan Perang. Pengasingan dilakukan untuk menjaga "Openbare Rust en Orde" (Ketenangan dan ketertiban umum)

Halaman 293, 294 dan 295

1946 Juli 17,

Konperensi Malino, sebuah tempat peristirahatan dekat Makasar, diprakarsai dan dibuka resmi oleh Dr. H.J. van Mook dengan hadirnya wakil-wakil dari Indonesia Timur, Kalimantan, Bangka Biliton dll. daerah yang berada di bawah pendudukan Belanda. Dengan konferensi itu Van Mook hendak menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa tidak seluruh dari 70 juta bangsa Indonesia berdiri belakang Soekarno dan Hatta. Dr. H.J. van Mook juga memberikan konferensi pers. Ia mengakui bahwa Gubernur Sulawesi Dr. Ratulangie memang benar sudah "dikirim" ke Serui di Utara Nieuw Guinea. Menurut pendapat Van Mook, "adalah lebih baik buat dia (Dr. Ratulangie) supaya jangan tinggal lebih lama di bilangan ini (Editor: Maksudnya Makassar)

See also the paper "Perjuangan ketujuh Tokoh Pergerakan Kebangsaan di Makassar dan Serui", oleh Ir. Zainuddin Daeng Maupa (No. 3) on the list below.

But..... we were all betrayed ..... by the greed and ignorance of the "new regimes" who destroyed the growing bond of a young nation and now it is clear that through the regimes of 32 years under Suharto and nearly 2 years under Habibie, the brotherhood among diverse ethnic groups and religions which characterises our country was severely damaged. However I am convinced that this will be overcome in due time, and history will see that the truth will be exposed.

Three pictures of friends:

Prof. Luhulima presenting his paper "Ekonomi Politik Asia Pasifik Pada Tahun 1937 dan Kecenderungannya di Abad XXI"(see No.4 on the list below), at the TAVERNA Kebagusan

Serui revisited after 50 years, with Corrie and (the late) Sam Papare

Serui Bay and little Mawampi Island where my sister and I used to swim and dive.


Related Websites:

  1. I remember SSMS'96..., a farewell to Milly my beloved sister.
  2. "Perkembangan Cita-cita dan Pemikiran Kesatuan Bangsa dan Negara:Dari Sumpah Pemuda melalui Konsep Negara Kepulauan ke Wawasan Nusantara", oleh Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja Bagian ke-I dan Bagian ke-II
  3. "Perjuangan ketujuh Tokoh Pergerakan Kebangsaan di Makassar dan Serui", oleh Ir. Zainuddin Daeng Maupa
  4. Pembahasan buku Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratu Langie: "Indonesia in den Pacific. Kernproblemen van den Aziatischen Pacific", Sukabumi, 1 Juni 1937 "Ekonomi Politik Asia Pasifik Pada Tahun 1937 dan Kecenderungannya di Abad XXI", oleh Prof. C. P. F. Luhulima
  5. After 5 years I remember Our Preparations for a Seminar in 1996: "SSMS'96"
  6. Irian (Papuan) Women's Organization in 1946
  7. Descendants of Sam Ratu Langie
  8. In Davao city a statue of Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratu Langie was inaugurated on 17 April 2001.
  9. A containership Sam Ratu Langie PB1600 was inaugurated on January 19th,2001 at Surabaya
  10. Dr. G.S.S.J Ratulangi Homepage
  11. Memoires of Mrs. Maria Ratulangi-Tambajong Her Story
  12. "Sarasehan Syukuran Makassar Serui '96" Beberapa kertas kerja yang belum terselesaikan

First edition : May, 13th 1998, last updated: January 20, 2008

Editor : Dr.M. Sugandi-Ratulangi