We, at Alpha Aerie, believe that there are deep and profound differences between and among human males and females.We also believe that the differences are even greater if they have been biologically, psychologically or sociologically traumatized -- especially during the very early years of their lives.
These many and varied differences are not only very real, but are usually the combined results of biopsychosociological processes (nature and nurture) which occurred during a time that the male or female was powerless to do anything about it.
Since these male and female differences are being, and will continue to be, investigated scientifically, we at Alpha Aerie are committed to the factual dissemination of that objective information.
Alpha Aerie was born to bring objectivity into the arena of human biopsychosociological information. Our objective is to open the door of reason to the truth about male and female differences which the Gender Feminists and other wild-eyed liberals have -- for many years -- locked and tried to hide the key.
Our main effort here at Alpha Aerie will be to lead an informed public discourse about the biological, psychological and sociological differences between and among human males and females. We will be continuing our work toward undoing the societal damage done by the loud, the ignorant, and the pathological over the last thirty years.
Gender Feminists and other Liberals want us to believe that there are no important differences between men and women (or that the differences are very few and very minor). They're wrong, of course. There are profound biopsychosociological differences between and among human males and females, but only the intelligent and emotionally stable alpha male and female knows exactly what they are and how they influence our behavior.
So-called old-fashioned thoughts and feelings are still alive and well in the hearts and minds of alpha males and females, but we, at Alpha Aerie, believe that these normal men and women have been led terribly astray by Gender Feminists and other Liberals with hidden agendas.
So ... now it's time for all of us alphas to come home. Home to Alpha Aerie and the normal behavior of alpha men and women.
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