Step-by Step Instructions for You to Create Your Own Web Page

1. How to create your html files?

  1. Open Netscape. Click Communicator, then open Page Composer. (By now you should have a "steering wheel" icon and "pen" icon at the bottom of your screen. If you see both icons, you are ready to go.)
  2. Write on Page Composer the same way you write on a Word Document. Save the file using File, Save As.
  3. To add a line: click the line icon at the Tool Bar.
  4. To add a background color: Click Format, Background to choose the color you like. (Reminder: the background color should not be too dark, or bright, or colorful. Or busy. Choose something subtle. People want to read your content not just admire the background color.)
  5. To add an image: Click Insert, Image. (A page should not have too many images because they could take a long time to appear on the screen(to be uploaded), or they distract people's attention from your content. Since your web viewers can not see you, sometimes images define who you are. In the beginning, we should pay more attention to the content. In the future, when you are more skillful you may do search in the Web and find the right images to represent your self.)
  6. To make a hyper link: Click Insert ; Click Browse to choose the file you would like to make the link to; click O.K.; Save. You will not see hyper links work on the Page Composer, but after you upload the files into, the links will work.


2. How to register in

In the web address bar, type in>enter->Click Register->Type in ny2 for the 1st box-> Type in mbhsxxxx(your four-digit ID) in the 2nd box->Choose a password(6-8 characters)->use our school address(411 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10038)->Use mbhsXXXX(four-digit ID) as your temporary e-mail address->Click Create Account.->Wait for the message of "Congratulations!", which means you have succeeded in registreing.->Click the sign on your left-hand side(to create a new e-mail account in>Follow the instructions to finish the registration by answering the questions->Skip all the optional questions->After you finish all these procedures, close>reopen>login->use your mbhsxxxx as your user's name->your password->Go to Preferences->Choose to"change your e-mail address"-> Type in your new e-mail address, which is If your ID 2234, now you have your new e-mail address( and your new web page address is (

3.How to upload files into to create your own page?

Open Login->Type in /ny2/mbhsxxx as the directory name->enter your password->Click Browse->Choose the files you want to upload(your html files are in h: folder. So type h: to find your files in the Netscape-web folder)->Click Upload to finish the uploading process.->Click View to view your site (Reminder: If the file you are uploading is open, it can not be uploaded. You need to close all the files you want to upload.)
* When you see a steering wheel logo, it means you are in the web where you can only view your site without doing any changes; if you see a pen logo, it means you are in your web composer where you can change, recreate, add, or delete your files.

How to add images into your files ?

Go to>login->Type in /ny2/mbhsxxx as your directory->Click Images under Tools on your right hand side.->Choose any image you want to copy onto your files->Right Click your mouse->Choose Save Image as..->Save the image in your folder and remember the file name of the image->Click Insert on you Tool Bar->Click Image->Choose from Files->Choose the image you want to add to your page->Click Open->Click O.K.->Save the image file->Upload the image the same way as you do with html files by Clicking Browse and Upload.

*For the images to appear ion your web page, you need to--

Go to your files->Select the file where you want to add the image to->Choose Edit/Create button to open the file->When you see a code such as <IMG SRC="images/comments.gif"> ->Add images/ before xxxx.gif->Click Save->Click View.
*The code IMG SRC represents image files. You need to be very accurate about it. Do not forget or delet " " and < >.

Angelfire web site only allows us to save the images in its image folder, which is the reason for the adding of images/ before any image file name.

To make the links work, you need to--

Go to your Files->Select the file where you want to add the image to->Choose Edit/Create button to open the file->When you see any file name with xxx.htm, add a "l" to it. Now it should be xxx.html.

If you want to use a template in the web to help you create your web page, this is what you should do--

Go to Netscape Communicator->Click Communicator-> Go to file ->New ->Click Page from Template->Click Netscape Tamplate-_Scroll down the screen to My Home Page->Read it and borrow some ideas when creating your own page.