Step-by Step Instructions for You to Create Your Own Web Page
1. How to create your html files?
2. How to register in
In the web address bar, type in>enter->Click Register->Type in ny2 for the 1st box-> Type in mbhsxxxx(your four-digit ID) in the 2nd box->Choose a password(6-8 characters)->use our school address(411 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10038)->Use mbhsXXXX(four-digit ID) as your temporary e-mail address->Click Create Account.->Wait for the message of "Congratulations!", which means you have succeeded in registreing.->Click the sign on your left-hand side(to create a new e-mail account in>Follow the instructions to finish the registration by answering the questions->Skip all the optional questions->After you finish all these procedures, close>reopen>login->use your mbhsxxxx as your user's name->your password->Go to Preferences->Choose to"change your e-mail address"-> Type in your new e-mail address, which is If your ID 2234, now you have your new e-mail address( and your new web page address is (
3.How to upload files into to create your own page?
Open Login->Type in /ny2/mbhsxxx as the directory name->enter your password->Click Browse->Choose the files you want to upload(your html files are in h: folder. So type h: to find your files in the Netscape-web folder)->Click Upload to finish the uploading process.->Click View to view your site (Reminder: If the file you are uploading is open, it can not be uploaded. You need to close all the files you want to upload.)
* When you see a steering wheel logo, it means you are in the web where you can only view your site without doing any changes; if you see a pen logo, it means you are in your web composer where you can change, recreate, add, or delete your files.
How to add images into your files ?
Go to>login->Type in /ny2/mbhsxxx as your directory->Click Images under Tools on your right hand side.->Choose any image you want to copy onto your files->Right Click your mouse->Choose Save Image as..->Save the image in your folder and remember the file name of the image->Click Insert on you Tool Bar->Click Image->Choose from Files->Choose the image you want to add to your page->Click Open->Click O.K.->Save the image file->Upload the image the same way as you do with html files by Clicking Browse and Upload.
*For the images to appear ion your web page, you need to--
Go to your files->Select the file where you want to add the image to->Choose Edit/Create button to open the file->When you see a code such as <IMG SRC="images/comments.gif"> ->Add images/ before xxxx.gif->Click Save->Click View.
*The code IMG SRC represents image files. You need to be very accurate about it. Do not forget or delet " " and < >.
Angelfire web site only allows us to save the images in its image folder, which is the reason for the adding of images/ before any image file name.
To make the links work, you need to--
Go to your Files->Select the file where you want to add the image to->Choose Edit/Create button to open the file->When you see any file name with xxx.htm, add a "l" to it. Now it should be xxx.html.
Go to Netscape Communicator->Click Communicator-> Go to file ->New ->Click Page from Template->Click Netscape Tamplate-_Scroll down the screen to My Home Page->Read it and borrow some ideas when creating your own page.