English 7 &E7TP

Instructed by B. Wu

English Department, AP G. Reisin

Murry Bergtraum HS, New York, NY 10038

Table of Contents

A Reading List of Great Books

You may select any two of the books onthe list for your book reports

Another Reading List

Visit the Bartleby E-Library

Modern Library's Choices by the New York Times

The New York Times Book Review

A Suggested Reading List for Required Book Reports

Join the Tech-Prep Discussion Forum

View the student's web sites

  1. Syllabus
  2. Project I: College Search

  3. a)College Essays and Application and SAT Preparation

b) Career

III. Writer's Handbook

IV. MLA Style

Project II: The Allegory of the Cave by Plato

V Plato's a) The Allegory of the Cave-the related reading materials

b) The Allegory of the Cave-the text

--The Illustration

c) Study Questions and Writing Assignment

Read different interpretations of the Allegory. Take notes as you read, and provide your critique of the essay.

1. Those having Lamps will pass them on to others.

2. Plato sums up his views in an image of ignorant humanity, trapped in the depths and not even aware of its own limited perspective. Plato sums up his views in an image of ignorant humanity, trapped in the depths and not even aware of its own limited perspective....

3. This allegory is one of a cave in which people have been enslaved and what they think is real is in fact merely an artificial view of the world, one to keep them enslaved and to keep them complacent......

Project III: Oedipus

VI. Aristotle's On Poetry and Music

VII. Notes on Greek Tragedy/Tragic Hero-pertinent to your understanding of Oedipus

1. Oedipus the King, The Riddle of the Sphinx, the Oracles, Jocasta, the Old Shepherd...

2. About Greek Theater, Chorus, Classical Tragedies, Greek Thoughts, Greek Theology

3. What wsa Thebe like before Oedipus?, the time of Odipus, and his genealogy.

The Texts of Oedipus

1. Sophocles'

2. Oedipus (in one file)

3. Another version of the Oedipus text

Project IV: Antigone

VIII. Sophocles' Antigone

Project V: Macbeth

VIV.Shakespeare's Macbeth

    1. When did Elizabethans enjoy leisure time?
    2. Who were the Waits and what did they do?
    3. Identify five popular musical instruments of the period.
    4. What was the general attitude toward dancing?
    5. List the characteristic of dancing according to the social classes--the Court and the Village.
    6. What sports did people participate in?
    7. The theater was a popular form of entertainment. Who attended the theater?
    8. Who were the most three popular playwrights of the time?



1). A Sample Macbeth Analysis http://tqd.advanced.org/2888/essay.html

2) Macbeth's flaws were how he betrayed himself http://www.shakespeare.com/qandr/lazy/4.2.97/messages/960.html

3). Tips for creative writing on Macbeth: http://www.kadets.d20.co.edu/shakespeare/txt/CW1.txt

4). Evil reigns in Macbeth: http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/Issue7/7dmacbeth.html

5) Lady Macbeth"s Curds or Whey?

Project VI: Things Fall Apart

X. Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

Project VII: The Jungle

The Discussion of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

Project VIII: Writing about New York

Project IX: SAT Prep

XI. Regents Preparation

XII Outline for Preparing Portfolios

XIII. a. Word of the Day

b. Word Game

c. Word for the Wise


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