Welcome to E6R Web Page- the Web Site Dedicated to Helping Students Pass the New ELA Regents
Instructor & Web Creator: Ms. B. Wu
Index [Word of the Day | Writer's Handbook | Book Report Guideline | MLA Style | The NY Times | Regents Sample Questions | Down These Mean Streets | Toni Morrison | The Bluest Eyes | Tennessee Williams | A Street Car Named Desire | Beyond the Horizon | All My Sons | Mrs. Warren's Profession | The Master Builder | Red Roses for Me |Students' Work | Reading List for Great Ideas | E-Library | Students' Grade | Announcements |E6R Webpage Template]
A Streetcar Named Desires by Tennessee Williams
Lesson Plans [Lesson 1 | Lesson2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 |
[Lesson 6 | Symbolism and Irony in Streetcar | Lesson 7| Lesson 8 | Lesson 9| Lesson 10 | Lesson 11| Lesson 12 | Criticism on Streetcar|Tennessee Williams's Related Web Sites]
Regents Sample Questions based on A Streetcar Named Desire [Task I | Task 1 Sample Essay | Task II /Sample Task II Essay | Sample Task III | Task III / Sampe Task III Essay |Task IV / Sample Task IV Essay ]
All My Sons by Arthur Miller
Lessons [ Lesson on Act I |Lesson on Act II | Lesson on Act III | Notes on the Play ]
Regents Sample Questions Based on All My Sons [Task I | Task II | Task III | Task IV ]
In this term, we shall focus on the preparation for the New ELA Regents that will be given in June 2000. We all know in order to graduate, we need to pass the Regents. So let's all be aware of the reality and get ready to face it.
We are going to read news stories from the New York Times, plays by Tennessee Willliams, Arthur Miller,, George and Sean O'Casey .
Since our class is held in a computer room, many other new rules will also be applied. Students who do not follow instructions or break the contract will be forbidden to use the computer or the Internet.
Two book reports are required.
A web page is required.
Attendance and to act in accordance to the school and class rules are essential to your success in the class.
This term will be like an adventure for most of us. Let's all have fun while we are learning and exploring in this unlimited "Wired World".
Please mail me if you have any questions. Mail to bodamato@hotmail.com.