American Literature

The web links to the major American writers are categorized chronologically into nine periods (1600-present) in the history of America-Early America-1750 represented by John Smith, Anne Bradford, Edward Taylor, William Byrd, and Jonathan Edwards; Reason and Revolution (1750-1800) represented by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine; Native Grounds(1800-1840) represented by Washington Irving, James Cooper, Edgar Allen Poe; New England Renaissance(1840-1855) represented by Ralph Waildo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathanial Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and James Lowell ; Conflict and Celebration(1855-1880) represented by Robert Lee, Abraham Lincoln, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Mark Twain; Regionalism , Realism and Naturalism(1880-1916) represented by Jack London, Stephen Crane, Henry James, Richard Wright; New Directions(1916-1930) represented by T.S.Eliot, William Carlos Williams, Lanston Hughes, E.E.Cumming, Sinclair Lewis, Robert Frost, Ernest Hemmingway, E.Scott Fitzgerald; Midcentury Voice(1930-1960) represented by W.H.Auden, Robert Lowell, John Steinbeck, Williams Faulkner, Carson McCuller, Tennessee Williams, Eugene O'Neill, ; Our Time(1960-present) represented by Arthur Miller, Elinor Wylie William Stafford, James Wright, James Baldwin, Alice Walker, and Toni Morrisson.

Early America-1750

John Smith: -the library of Capitan John Smith

Anne Bradford

Edward Taylor

William Byrd

Jonathan Edwards: writing of Jonathan Edwards

Reason and Revolution (1750-1800)

Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography

Thomas Jefferson: on Politics and Government

Thomas Paine: of Congress Citations

Native Grounds(1800-1840)

Washington Irving:

James Cooper: classic text of James Cooper

Edgar Allen Poe:

New England Renaissance(1840-1855)

Ralph Waldo Emerson: works, essays, quotes, poems, biography, and other related materials:

Henry David Thoreau: essays, quotes, poems, biography, and other related materials

Nathanial Hawthorne: 19th century literature-