Alan T. Decolongon - 09/11/99 21:04:51
My Email:pinuck@hotmail.com
From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Your wsite is very informative and easy to navigate. Regards to Silver Iran and Mimi Lesondra, and all members of PNP Region 6.
berger - 08/11/99 06:11:51
My URL:http://berger.tsx.org
My Email:jillenberger@yahoo.com
From: QC
Referred by: GeoCities
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maayo ini nga website,a. hindi ako kapati nga ang pulis ta ang nag-ubra sini nga butang. padayon!
Jerry Wong - 06/21/99 05:21:16
My Email:jerry.wong6@gte.net.
From: Vancouver,Canada
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RE: Obtining a shoulder flash/patch
for collection of the Manila Police
- 05/30/99 11:46:26
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- 02/21/99 19:11:42
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fiona dans - 02/04/99 14:58:45
My Email:f.dans@mailcity.com
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hi there!
i think ur page is really nice.
i'm a second yr student of Ateneo de Zamboanga. Ive been surfing the net for hours now inquiring the bill which Robert Barbers accordingly passed. This bill is about the police men being allowed to earn extra income to augment their "meager" salarie
. Honestly..i dont know if there is such a bill. Could u please help me find out if there is. And if ever there is such thing could u please furnish me a copy. I need it for my interclass debate.
By the way...if its not too much to ask can u please tell me the mimimum salary of police men.
Ric Hernandez - 01/17/99 23:23:24
My Email:ctrich@hotmail.com
From: Mandaluyong City
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
| Comments:
What is the website of the
Philippine National Police as
televised this morning at the
Alas Sinco y media at Channel 2 wherein we can see the most wanted persons of the PNP.
meljane yulo - 07/23/98 14:34:43
My Email:yulo_phils@mailcity.com
From: Jaro, Iloilo City
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Greetings of joy !!!!!!!!!! please try to develop your home page.
Graciano N. Aguillon - 06/29/98 11:12:08
My Email:aguillon@skyinet.net
From: San Jose, Antique, Philippines
Referred by: Net Search
| Comments:
I just discovered your site. I noticed I am visitor #168. We'll it is very nice
to know your are the first? PNP Office on-line with its own official web page
unlike others with only e-mail addresses and trying to have community links with
the civilian populace in cyberspace. It's very new for I think.
I would like to suggest if it is possible for you to post on your web site - you
know, the top 10 most wanted in the Visayas and other criminal with their photos
and their dossiers and if the netsufers here saw them, they could contact
anonymously to make their arrests A.S.A.P. and make WV a better place to live in.
Please be informed also that when you click the E-mail icon
to send a message, the recipient e-mail address has an error with an
addition dot (.) which is not necessary.
Andrew Zak - 06/05/98 21:46:00
My URL:/CapitolHill/6228
My Email:zakand@nettaxi.com
From: GeoCities, Capitol Hill Community Leader
Referred by: GeoCities
| Comments:
I am very impressed - clean layout, nice and
pleasant design, and some very good ideas you're trying to promote. I was
glad to see that your page conformed to all Geo guidelines - this may be
important if one day you apply for the Featured Page Program or even decide
to become a Community Leader. |