The Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice is responsible for Law and order in the kingdom.Since Swaenenburgh is a nation governed according to the concept of the Trias Politica, this department is different from any regular department. The government cannot impose its will on the policies of this ministry, nor deny it funds when it opposses the government on some issueses. The Judiciary system of Swaenenburgh
exists of 4 levels of courts. Firstly, there is the court of presentation, where a case is first presented to a team of judges. Afther they have passed a verdict you can appeal twice, first to the court of 2nd presentation and then to the court of 3rd presentation. Finally there is the Royal court, which accepts a case if there are no precidents similarly to the case, if a case involves international law or if a Swaenenburghian citizen accuses the government of illegal conduct. Judges are appointed for live and can only be removed by retirement. A judge that clearly doesn't function will can be deactivated, without loss of immunity, by a signed petition of all the judges in the land, HM the king and the PM.

The Constitution
Laws of Swaenenburgh

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