The Kingdom of Swaenenburgh

Our countries first embassy on the Internet!


Hi, I'm HM king thomas.
The description of my page is:
The first Internet embassy of the nation of Swaenenburgh
Kingdom of Swaenenburgh

Unlike other micronations application
for citizenship won't be possible until further notice.

State symbols & Maproom Ministry of Education & Information Ministry of Defense Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Swaenenburgh Free PressThe Royal Household Guestbook Ministry of Justice

State symbols & Maproom

The banner of the kingdom of Swaenenburgh symbolizes unity (orange border), freedom and sea (blue) and prosperity and peace (green). The coat of arms is likely to be similar to that of the royal family. The coat of arms you see above is temporarily, though it does give an excellent view of our claimed territory. A stretch of dunes and woods near the sea. The national anthem was selected on 24th of October1998.It is composed by a composer named George Frederick Handel and is entitled St. Cecilia's March (21kB) Lyrics will be written in the future.

Ministry of Education & Information

Languages: english, spanish, dutch, german
The kingdom of Swaenenburgh claims a small stretch of land at the coast of Holland which mainly consists of a beach, dunes and some woods.
The territory roughly amounts to a couple of square kilometres, and barely has any people living on it. The inhabitants are mainly seagulls, sheep, rabbits, ducks and deers.

Ministry of Defense

The Armed forces consists of a Royal Navy with an air wing and Marine Corps. There is no 'independent' army,
the defense of the realm is left to the Royal Swaenenburgh Navy, whereby the Marines act as a substitute land-based army.

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