Activist site for social justice and
political activism.

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Nov. 4, 1998
Sorry about the lack of updates, I'm just lazy
and preoccupied.  Here's a dandy ole link
that should be tremendously helpful for all
us conspiracy mongers out there.
 The National Security Archive
A collection of government documents
which have been declassified, and released
under the freedom of information act.
Sept 4, 1998
Here's an interesting tidbit, an alleged missile
was fired by North Korea over Japan, understandably
upsetting Japan and the rest of south east
asia. Look at what the North Korean news
agency has to say about this. It's pretty funny.
 Successful Launch of First Satellite in DPRK
(They claimed it was a satellite launch)
August 20, 1998
Has it hit the fan?
Just this afternoon, US warplanes bombed a Sudanese factory
and 6 Afghani targets. News is still breaking.
Has Clinton been motivated by the desire to distract the US citizens
from the Lewinsky scandal? Is this the beginning of a war
between Islam and the United States?
Discuss it in the  Chat Area
August 7, 1998
The US Congress has passes the
"Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act" which
may result in the declassification
of many documents which could possibly PROVE
that the US aided nazi war criminals to
fight communism.
Here is the bill itself, in legalese
 The Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act
Apparently the whole thing was struck out and rewritten,
so the final bill is at the bottom, past all the
struck out portions. The difference between the two is that
the new version has some clauses that would
prevent things from being declassified if they
reveal weapon technology, or could hurt
US diplomacy.
August 3, 1998
Here's an interesting tidbit, a CNN
article on U.S. / Nazi ties after
WWII, and how the US (may have)
allied with war criminals, to fight "communism".
Also, talks about Kurt Waldheim,
UN Secretary General, 72-82,
a former Nazi soldier!
Check it  here!
July 28, 1998
A new article on the
 CIA Crack Connection
By Activate
July 17, 1998
Not much in the way of news..
but check out the
 CIA for Kids
The children oriented webpage
for the REAL LIFE terrorist organization.
And also
 Anarchy for Anybody
A really good site on anarchy/anti capitalism
July 10, 1998
Oh man, in LA a man
was shocked with a "stun belt"
for disrupting his court
hearing. This is really screwed
 See it here!
June 29, 1998
If you like this page, or at least some of it
you should have a look at the
 Organization For a Liberated Society
They're a bottom-up grassroots organization
seeking equality for all.
There should be more of them!
Also,  Chiquita Bananas got an apology from
The Cincinnati Enquirer regarding this
Check it out.
June 28, 1998
A new sister site of Activate
Join the
 Ontario Liberation Front
June 27, 1998
Ontario's schools are in crisis,
what a wonderful thing for my graduating
year! I'm compiling a dossier on
 Mike Harris's Dirty Deeds feel
free to send me any info you might have.
Oh, and tell your friends to come here eh?
June 24, 1998
Have a look at this. Browse
for the  The Expert Witness Show
An inside look at the drug war.
By a former CIA and DEA officer!
June 14, 1998
Serbian atrocities continue in Kosova
I can't inform you any better than the:
 Kosova Crisis Center
I have exams, so no big updates.
June 7, 1998
 Who Owns Your Food?
Huge Bio-Tech firms may soon.
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Copyright 1998; Chris Hendrix. We do not advocate the use of violence etc. Don't blame us for any nasty stuff, including, but not limited to, violence, computer crashes, dissatisfaction with the political system of our world, atheism, agnosticism, catholicism, rashes, nausea, or Gary Coleman.
Opened.. May 12, 1998

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