Welcome to Arapaho Police Department's guest book. Thank-you for visiting us!

Click for Arapaho, Oklahoma Forecast

Lt. William L. Hires - 11/15/00 02:18:43
My URL:http://www.jesuppd.com
My Email:hiresw@jesuppd.com
What department do you work for?: Jesup Police Department
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 27 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Smith & Wesson
Any specialty training?: Firearms, Accident Investigation
How old are you?: 56

I have been in law enforcement for over 27 years. Thinks have changed over the years and being a professional law enforcement officer seems to be at the bottom of the priority list these days.

dean cox - 11/05/00 02:12:26
My Email:coxd@iopener.net
What department do you work for?: none
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 24 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: n/a
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: colt 45
Any specialty training?: missouri certified
How old are you?: 50

If you know of any department that would like a good police officer I am trying to find one to be employed at. I'm OK reserve cert. and full time cert in the state of Missouri. I really would like to here from you, if you can help. Thanks I'll send yo a resume if you would like. Thanks

Chief Greg McQuade - 10/26/00 05:24:26
My Email:mcquade@means.net
What department do you work for?: New Albin Police Department
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 3yrs
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock .45
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: above weapon
How old are you?: 25

I Can Relate to everything said on this page! You have 110% of my support we are a town of apprx:600 cizizens! Stay Safe!

Luc - 09/27/00 07:09:07
My URL:http://members.chello.at/luc1
My Email:DonLuc@a-topmail.at
What department do you work for?: K9 department in vienna
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 21 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock
Any specialty training?: yes
How old are you?: 40

Hallo Greetings from vienna (austria). I want to tell you that you have a great and intresting site. Stay safe! Luc

Jim Bushell - 09/24/00 14:38:57
My Email:jimbushell@cableinet.co.uk
What department do you work for?: Ex Merseyside Police UK
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 20yrs
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: This is England
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: None (I carried them in the Army)
Any specialty training?: Dog Handler ,Advanced Driver, CID (Detective)
How old are you?: 52yrs

Hi, I have been through your site, and I find is exceptional. I hope that you continue in Police work, because in my eyes you would be a great loss to society. Jim Bushell

Jim - 09/24/00 14:32:03


Jan - 09/03/00 20:25:32
My URL:http://www.opaat.org
How old are you?: Hmmmm

Thank you for sharing your world. What you do is much appreciated.

Brandon Reynolds - 09/02/00 02:54:05
My Email:BixbyPD395
What department do you work for?: Bixby
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 6 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Beretta 9mm
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Rugar .45 cal
Any specialty training?: yes
How old are you?: 26


Gene Davis - 08/24/00 03:13:04
My Email:gntdavis@pacer.com
What department do you work for?: Retired
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 0000.0
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: pendson season
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Remington 700 bdlssdm
Any specialty training?: Judo
How old are you?: old enuf

Dan, I saw your post on the USJA board. I'm starting a judo club in Altus (about an hour south of your place.) Your e-mail link came back as invalid. Maybe this will work. Gene

Gloria Grummons - 08/16/00 06:26:12
My URL:http://trib.com
My Email:goglo2@hotmail.com
How old are you?: I am a Granni!

What a wonderful page. I enjoyed it so much. I live in Wyoming in a small community and our D.A.R.E program is very strong. It is a much needed program for all towns. I am no affiliated with law enforcement but have the deepest respect for all. God Bless< r>
Bruce Nicholls - 08/05/00 06:42:55
My URL:http://www.ultra.net.au/~brucen
My Email:brucen@mac.com
What department do you work for?: Queensland Police Service, Australia
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 25years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock 22, 23 & 27, Ruger Security 6 and Police 6
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock .40 cal
Any specialty training?: Yes
How old are you?: 45

Hi guys, came across your site by accident, very interesting, and yes, 1 and 2 man Stations in Queensland are common, as it is a very large State. I know how hard working in small communities is like, but I think it is the most rewarding. Keep up the good work, no one will thanks you except your Community. Best regards, Sgt Bruce Nicholls

Joe Valachi - 08/03/00 21:43:05
My URL:http://dweebsofny.tripod.com/news7.htm
My Email:brotherhood@excite.com
What department do you work for?: new york
How long have you been in law enforcement?: new york
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: 9mm
Any specialty training?: sniper
How old are you?: 69


David Hamilton - 06/28/00 22:06:33
My Email:dochamilton@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: Dept. of Corrections
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 19yrs.
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: I carry beretta .40 & beretta 9mm.
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Beretta 96 ...40
Any specialty training?: hostage negoitation/Cl;eet certtfication/Advanced law enforcement cert. from CLEET
How old are you?: 50

I am a Red Tornado frm.Clinton..Graduated from SWSU in 1973. Lived in Clinton and Arapaho. Have relatives there. Barbara and Dean Preston (Aunt and Uncle). Family lived in Clinton and Arapaho area for many years...glad to see you have a site to connect wi h.....good luck. contact me anytime at dochamilton@hotmail.com.........know Patty and Arvella very well...we are in the same distict..

David Hamilton - 06/28/00 22:00:58
My Email:dochamilton@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: Dept. of Corrections
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 19yrs.
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: I carry beretta .40 & beretta 9mm.
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Beretta 96 ...40


WindDancer - 06/22/00 07:19:16
What department do you work for?: education
How long have you been in law enforcement?: A long time, but im not in law enforcement...just do my bit to bring the little darlings up the right way
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: At 6ft tall..you think i need to?
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Lets see.....what can i choose from?
Any specialty training?: Lots & lots
How old are you?: Old enough to do things properly & young enough to enjoy them

Im impressed with the amount of talent & skill it takes to create something as great as this. Good stuff handsome!

Hugh Miller - 05/27/00 10:09:39
My Email:nsbpd509@yahoo.com
What department do you work for?: North Slope Borough P.D.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 7 yrs
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock Model 22
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Sig Sauer
Any specialty training?: All Sorts
How old are you?: 37

Hey Dan, Why don't you drop me an email, I don't know whether you've heard or not, but I'm not at Guymon any more. Drop me a note so I can get your email address and I'll write back. Talk to you later, Hugh Miller

Bob Armstead - 05/26/00 09:39:36
My URL:/colosseum/arena/8975
My Email:luftwolf@Telepath.com
What department do you work for?: none
How long have you been in law enforcement?: I was in for about 5 years
Any specialty training?: K-9 (patrol narc/detection instructor
How old are you?: 43

I raise and train Belgian Malinois for L.E.O.s and to a lesser extent(due to most deptmental fiscal shortcomings) Departments for Patrol/Detector work. I sell puppies to deputies when I have a few left over from a litter and thought I'd notify your guys f anybody is looking for a k-9 trainee or a Great companion for the home while the officer is out or on the job. These dogs are "working" lines and straight out of either Holland or German stock. the sire is a SchH 1 dog of 95# and mother is stright fro Germany and very tough. I have a new training facility am here in Oklahoma City. E-mail me if anyone is interested. Stay SAFE! Bob Luftwolf@Telepath.com

Lt. Lou Hamilton, (Ret.) - 05/22/00 18:12:03
My URL:/louiethemop/
My Email:RetNarcLT@netscape.net
How old are you?: Real Old!!!! (my original entry proved that to be true!)

I didn't complete my email address when I originally signed your guestbook. Sorry! Musta had a brain cramp!

Det. Lt. Lou Hamilton, (Ret.) - 05/22/00 18:04:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/louiethemop/
My Email:RetNarcLT
What department do you work for?: Retired (1998) from Palm Beach County (FL) Sheriff's Office
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 1968-1998
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: S&W, Glock, Sig Sauer, etc.
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Even retired, I carry my reliable Sig P226 (almost required for livin' in Southeast Florida!)
How old are you?: Older than dirt, Dan!

Great site! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your excellent 'lil corner of cyberspace. Keep up the great work. Love that rendition of "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" midi on your site. Can you remember where you found it? Would love to add that to my archives. Stay safe out there, Chief!!!

Louie The Mop's personal little corner of cyberspace!

Joe Murphy - 05/18/00 16:03:41
My URL:http://www.pipelinegroup.com
My Email:joemurphy@pipelinegroup.com
What department do you work for?: pipeline safety


sylvia - 05/14/00 00:38:59
My Email:bettyboopgurl@yahoo.com
How old are you?: 29

Hi Daniel, glad I had the pleasure to see your first webpage..... And also playing you on cribbage!! even If I did kick your butt!!! hehehe well I hope to talk to you on yahoo IM. Good luck on the force......

Hank vanderwaarden - 05/02/00 18:37:12
My Email:onya@healey. com.au
What department do you work for?: NSW Police service
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 27 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: revolver
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: same
How old are you?: 54

Excellent web site. Really was looking for patch trade, if you do in the future-mail me. Hank

Edward Petersen - 05/02/00 13:12:19
My Email:edp@ndic.osis.gov
What department do you work for?: National Drug Intelligence Center

I am an Intelligence analyst assigned to the SouthWest Desk at the National Drug Intelligence Center located in Johnstown, PA. Am looking for contact points in Oklahoma in order to obtain first hand knowledge on gangs, drugs and drug related crime withing state. Will follow up via US mail. Please contact me at e-mail address. Thanks

Carman - 04/17/00 04:43:22
My URL:http://www.cordellpolicedepartment.com
My Email:1luv5-0@xmail.com
What department do you work for?: Cordell Police Dept.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 5years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: anything but a .45
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: COLT 9mm All American
Any specialty training?: You already know
How old are you?: 28

The pictures at the top of this sign-in page are not coming up. They are boxes with 'X' in them. It may be me, anyway, how are things? I was wandering and thougth of you and your site so I thought I would sign in this time. Take care and see you later Carman a.k.a. ONE LUV

Larry M. Whitely - 04/09/00 14:04:17
My Email:landkwhitely@itlnet,net
What department do you work for?: Elk City, OK PD
How long have you been in law enforcement?: L-O-N-G time
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Several
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock 40 cal.
How old are you?: 50

Ham radio operator (KD5BHC) Detective with ECPD Arapaho web site is great! Congrats on it.

Christopher K. Banwart, Patrolman - 04/03/00 10:08:07
What department do you work for?: Oklahoma Capitol Patrol
How long have you been in law enforcement?: about 4 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: all that is approved by CLEET
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: GLOCK 17
Any specialty training?: Criminal Interdiction, Gang,
How old are you?: 25

just a note to say good job..starting my career in a small community and county...(okeene and Blaine County) I can understand the strain and the constant change of duties...take care and contact me if you ever need any type of assistance..still just a co ntry boy at heart!!!

Ron Jones II - 04/03/00 00:31:18
What department do you work for?: Cordell Police Dept.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 2 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Any
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Ruger P89 ( 9mm )
Any specialty training?: Highway Drug Interdiction
How old are you?: 25


JANELL JAMES - 03/22/00 14:02:48
My Email:JAN222APD
What department do you work for?: ANADARKO
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 2YEARS
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: SIG9
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: GLOCK 40
Any specialty training?: BIKE PATROL
How old are you?: 34


Dawn Hyatt - 03/18/00 23:31:08
My Email:reddawngrl@cs.com
What department do you work for?: CA Dept of Corrections
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 4 years
How old are you?: 29

For such a small town, you have a great website - from an Oklahoma native.

Amber - 03/09/00 00:33:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/9923
My Email:sigpro040@aol.com
What department do you work for?: State of Oklahoma
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: my email address gives it away:)
Any specialty training?: C.L.E.E.T. certified

Very nice web page! Keep up the good work!

DALE FAULKNER - 03/01/00 01:11:16
What department do you work for?: MILITARY POLICE
How long have you been in law enforcement?: OVER 8 YEARS
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: 9MM
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: 45 CAL. OR 40
How old are you?: 33


Penny Lynch - 02/25/00 20:23:59
What department do you work for?: Caddo-Kiowa Vo-tech
How long have you been in law enforcement?: graduate spring 2001
How old are you?: 31 yrs.

I think it's great that you have such a good support system.

craig Pittman - 01/25/00 19:41:34
My URL:http://www.t-d-m.com
My Email:snooper@spindle.net

Chief Brownfield, If you are interested in acquiring a radar speed trailer, allow me to introduce you to the SpeedCom radar trailer. This is truly the AFFORDABLE radar trailer. We can build it to suit your specific needs. The basic SpeedCom radar trailer starts at $6,99 , with many options to add on like a traffic counting system. I invite you to take a closer look at the SpeedCom on our web site www.t-d-m.com . This system will reduce the amount of speeding in school zones as well as construction zones and will allow you to better utilize your man power. Thanks for your time, Craig Pittman

Stephen - 12/27/99 05:21:56
My Email:ohphelzer@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: fire dept.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: -0-
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: none
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: o just what ever
Any specialty training?: everything
How old are you?: 20

hello Dan this is stephen from thomas...cool site bud....talk to ya latter..

Chuck U Farley - 12/02/99 09:20:27
My URL:http://www.cia.net
My Email:bite@myass.com
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Linux


Butler DARE Kids - 11/09/99 19:06:02
What department do you work for?: Butler Elementary School
How long have you been in law enforcement?: Not in LE
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: n/a
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: n/a
Any specialty training?: Reading, writing and 'rimetic
How old are you?: Average age of 11

Hello to Chief Dan Brownfield, our D.A.R.E. officer. :-p~~~

- 11/04/99 16:41:08


LadyCJ1 - 10/02/99 01:52:09
How long have you been in law enforcement?: not in law enforcement
How old are you?: 42

Great Site there Chief!!.... Very interesting!!... will have to bring the son to visit.... he's considering a career in law enforcement.... any suggestions or recommendations.... would be appreciated... he is a senior in High School...

Ofc. J.K. Mathews - 08/24/99 21:55:00
My Email:mathewsja@nku.edu
What department do you work for?: Northern KY Univ PD
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 9 1/2 Yrs
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock 21 (9mm)
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Same
Any specialty training?: R.A.D.,F.T.O.
How old are you?: 35


Glen - 06/18/99 08:41:46
My URL:http://netspaceonline.com/~ggsoldan/
My Email:ggsoldan@midusa.net
What department do you work for?: Salina Police
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 16 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock 22C 40 S&W
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: One that works
Any specialty training?: Need a bigger box...
How old are you?: 43 091555


The Bullet TrapDan, Cool bunch of questions you are aski g here. Now that you have all that information, whatcha going to do with it? Keep up the great job on and off the net, maybe one day we will find out about that Mopower thing. Glen

Diane - 05/26/99 05:22:38
My Email:steve261@icontech.com
Any specialty training?: trained in motherhood...LOL


Diane - 05/26/99 05:18:47
My Email:steve261@icontech.com
Any specialty training?: trained in motherhood...LOL


Stephanie M. Brown - 04/18/99 06:08:16
My Email:bsbrown6@hotmail.com
How old are you?: 28

Met you on mirc. Very nice to meet you. Respect your honesty and politness. Angel^Red ( Devil^Red)

Treena - 04/17/99 03:19:14
My Email:micki1164@aol.com
What department do you work for?: dhs
How long have you been in law enforcement?: is this a trick question?
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: I can't have one )-:
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: someone would use it on me
Any specialty training?: yes....but you have to guess
How old are you?: 34

now do I have brownie points? nice site, Dan....and I really did bookmark it.

Brandon Reynolds - 03/24/99 18:10:55
My Email:BLR0574@aol.com
What department do you work for?: Bixby
How old are you?: 24


Lorie Dixon - 03/12/99 09:04:48
My Email:sinder2@hotmail.com


Jim Orlando - 03/10/99 03:29:38
My URL:http://www.KQA.com/DetroitPolice
My Email:jim@KQA.com
What department do you work for?: University of Detroit Mercy
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 26 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock 22 - 40 cal.
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock or 357 S&W
Any specialty training?: Tactical, Bomb truck, chemical munitions, etc.
How old are you?: 48

Found your site interesting and informative. Very well done!

grady stiles 2 - 03/04/99 11:00:14
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: tcp/ip


Nancy Carlisle - 02/28/99 17:41:54
My URL:http://www.jimsweb.com/dpoa
My Email:NCarly@aol.com
What department do you work for?: (Husband)Detroit Police
How long have you been in law enforcement?: Husband)~12yrs.
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Ditto
Any specialty training?: Too many to mention!
How old are you?: 46

My Husband works for Detroit Police Dept: He has been on the force for 12 yrs now, he is a member of the Det.Pol. Honor Guard, presently assigned to the Mounted Section of the Dept. He is the Coordinator for the Field Training Unit, etc,etc...He is from Tulsa ,Oklahoma.He Graduated from Tulsa Central High. I'am his Dear wife, and an avid Patch collector. Just wanted to tell you that you have a very nice website, come on over to our Detroit website sometime.

Anthony Chiu - 02/28/99 07:47:00
My Email:truck_freak@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: Granville Island Community Police Centre
How long have you been in law enforcement?: never
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: pencil and paper
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: cop car keys
Any specialty training?: delivering police warning flyers
How old are you?: 17

HEY Dep! Cool page! So hows Oklahoma doing?? Hmmm...well I don't got much to say, hope I'll see ya in the IRC sometime soon :) Take care -Z71

Heather Stevenson - 02/19/99 22:35:52
My Email:h-stevenson@nwu.edu
What department do you work for?: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 2 yrs street, 5 yrs dispatch
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: any DA-only, .9 or .45, semi-auto
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: H&K USP Compact .40
Any specialty training?: Sexual Assault Investigations
How old are you?: ??

Great Page!! If you ever decide to hire anyone, give me a yell. I want to go "small-town USA"

Dave Klosterman - 02/05/99 03:48:32
My Email:daveman35@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: City of Dayton
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock 40 cal.
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock 40 cal.
Any specialty training?: bike and horse
How old are you?: 30

Dayton Ohio we have about 500 police officers. I am on the mounted patrol. We have a great patch for the mounted patrol unit. E-mail me for more info.

Terry E. Pangburn - 01/26/99 15:39:51
My Email:Sargeccsd@aol.com
What department do you work for?: Cumberland County Sheriff
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 23 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Sigma 40
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Sigma 40
How old are you?: 55

Excellent site! Well done and very informative. Your effort really shows. Please check out my site if you are in the neighborhood, and my newest site, a Salute to the Officers of the Cumberland County Sheriffs Dept., http://members.aol.com/CumbSO/Welcome. tml.

Terry E. Pangburn - 01/26/99 15:29:20
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Sargeccsd/index.html
My Email:Sargeccsd@aol.com
What department do you work for?: Cumberland County Sheriff
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 23 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Sigma 40
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Sigma 40
How old are you?: 55

Very nice site! Well constructed and very informative. Your hard work really shows. Please check out my site if you are in the neighborhood, and my newest site, a Salute to the Officers of the Cumberland County Sheriffs Dept., http://members.aol.com/CumbS /Welcome.html.

Laci - 01/26/99 08:09:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Arc/7086/index.html
My Email:laci@wcoil.com
How old are you?: 23

nice site you have,NOW check out mine *S*

Ian Flatt - 01/25/99 04:35:24
My Email:ian.flatt@virgin.net
What department do you work for?: Metropolitan Police, UK
How long have you been in law enforcement?: five years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: no, unless specially trained
Any specialty training?: Resposnedriver, public order trained
How old are you?: 28

I welcome E-mails from police officers from around the world.

DARE - 01/19/99 18:07:56
My Email:michele.robinson@halo.com
What department do you work for?: R & T Specialty
How long have you been in law enforcement?: N/A
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: N/A
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: N/A
Any specialty training?: N/A
How old are you?: N/A

Dear DAREŽ Officer, Hello! My name is Michele and I work at R & T Specialty. We are a licensed DAREŽ vendor located in Peoria, Illinois. I would like to introduce you to our company via the Email system! We have a wide variety of DAREŽ merchandise available here at R & T Specialty. We have a full-color, 30 page catalog available at your request. We can also provide your department with non-DAREŽ items for your crime prevention programs as well. If you would be interested in receiving an Email message periodically regarding any new DAREŽ items, changes, and updates, please Email me at michele.robinson@halo.com. I will be happy to add you and your department to our list! Thank you, Michele

Col Irwin - 01/18/99 00:39:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ninja2000
My Email:ninja@onclick.net
What department do you work for?: New South Wales Police Service
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 14 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock, or S&W.38
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Good ol' Smith & Wesson
Any specialty training?: Fingerprint lifter
How old are you?: 34

A very well done, interesting and informative page. I really enjoyed the visit and will return. Best wishes from Australia.

Steve MacLasco - 01/10/99 01:59:25
My URL:http://home.nycap.rr.com/steviemac
My Email:maclasco@nycap.rr.com
What department do you work for?: Colonie, NY
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 16 yrs.
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: issued S&W 4506
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: is there any other than .45
Any specialty training?: SWAT, firearms, General Topics
How old are you?: the second half of 39

Great site alot of time and energy was spent on it. Stay Low

Kenny Meadors - 01/09/99 08:39:33
My Email:kentam@coffey.com
What department do you work for?: Bryan TX PD (8yrs) Casper WY PD (just starting)
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 8 yrs
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: any
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock 21
Any specialty training?: Auto theft, interviewing,pursuit training, many others
How old are you?: 29 yoa

Pretty cool seeing all the replies from all over the world ! I'll be checking back w/you.

Barrow, Rickey V. - 01/04/99 19:24:24
My URL:http://www.oklahomacounty.org
My Email:ricbar@oklahomacounty.org
What department do you work for?: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 16 yrs.
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: 45 Cal.
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Colt Commander
Any specialty training?: Counter Intelligence/SWAT/Self Defense
How old are you?: 38

Nice Page and very professional

E.J. FOLEY - 01/02/99 05:36:27
How old are you?: 28


Beth Collins - 12/27/98 09:48:08
My Email:jbjld@pacbell.net
How old are you?: 30

liked the site loved the uniform! Cant wait to beat you again at crib!

Brian Potter - 12/09/98 02:40:03
My URL:http://public.asu.edu/~bpotter
My Email:bpotter@asu.edu
What department do you work for?: Incident Command Page of Arizona

DeptyDog sent me :) ICP585 from #ScanAZ www.icp-az.org

Roger Estes - 11/22/98 02:37:45
My Email:RCE497@aol.com
What department do you work for?: Arlington County PD, Arlington, Va.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 25 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock 23
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Colt Commander .45ACP
Any specialty training?: Glock armorer, investigations training, firearms & general instructor
How old are you?: 49

outstanding site. I was actually looking for the Arapaho Indian Police, but I've certainly enjoyed looking through it. Sounds like the kind of nice police to be a policeman. If you get up my way, give me a call. We are beside Washington, DC Roger Estes

David Anderson-Tyrrell - 11/13/98 15:16:24
My URL:http://www.Met-Vest.com
My Email:davidanderson-tyrrell@msn.com
What department do you work for?: n/a
How long have you been in law enforcement?: n/a
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: n/a
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: n/a
Any specialty training?: n/a
How old are you?: 37

Dear Sirs: After working for the Met Police in London I've started my own company selling the vests/jackets that motorcyclists and Law Enforcement wear in 18 European countries. I'd be very interested in talking to you about providing a Police version of the Met-Vest (sleeveless with gun cut-outs each side) for trial in your department. My first shipment arrived from England and these jackets & vests are presently under trial by the Colorado State Patrol and have been sold to various Police Forces in the US. Please take a look at my web site, to gain a better insight into what I'm talking about, at http://www.Met-Vest.com and feel free to contact me if you think the benefits are there for you and your officers. Cordially, David Anderson-Tyrrell

Eric Frank - 11/06/98 06:47:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/EGF62/index.html
My Email:EGF62@aol.com
What department do you work for?: Carlisle (AR) PD
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 14 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Any firearm meeting regulations
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Ruger .40
Any specialty training?: Yes. Several areas
How old are you?: 35

Really liked your web page Chief. You've obviously put a lot of work into it. Sounds like you're a man who really enjoys his job, and is proud of what he does. Keep up the good work. From one small-town cop to another: STAY SAFE!

keith barron - 11/03/98 13:02:16
My URL:http://www.jacksonville.net/~kbarron
My Email:kbarron@mediaone.net
What department do you work for?: Jacksonville sheriffs office
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 10 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: glock .40 cal
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: same
Any specialty training?: dui instructor
How old are you?: 32

Nice page I enjoyed the visit Keith's Page!

Adam Lunney - 11/01/98 11:27:01
My Email:aclunney@terrigal.net.au
What department do you work for?: New South Wales Police Service Australia
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 2 1/2 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: changing to Glock 22 from .38 S&W
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: doesn't matter - only allowe to carry issued firearm
Any specialty training?: Basic Riot
How old are you?: 24

Can't say I'd like to work in a town by myself, but regardless you guys and gals in the US have to deal with a lot more than us in Australia - good luck to you all! I've got nothing but respect for you. See you on IRC.

Adam Lunney - 11/01/98 11:23:47
My Email:aclunney@terrigal.net.au
What department do you work for?: New South Wales Police Service Australia
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 2 1/2 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: changing to Glock 22 from .38 S&W
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: doesn't matter - only allowe to carry issued firearm
Any specialty training?: Basic Riot
How old are you?: 24


chris Murdock - 09/25/98 16:28:10
What department do you work for?: private security
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 12 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: s/w 686 4 inch
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: same as above
Any specialty training?: tcleose certified
How old are you?: 34


Keith Brodrick - 09/22/98 03:59:55
My URL:http://www.pldi.net/~kbrodrick/
My Email:blaine10@pldi.net
What department do you work for?: Blaine County Sheriff's Office
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 4 yrs
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Any Auto prefered
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock 45
Any specialty training?: Narc Assault
How old are you?: 37

Nice Web Site keep up the good work and come visit us at http://www.pldi.net/~blaineso/

Troy Magers - 09/17/98 00:21:19
My Email:Crownvic2@aol.com
What department do you work for?: Medford Police Dept.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 5 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Any as long it is C. L. E. E. T. certified
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock 9mm
Any specialty training?: Alot
How old are you?: 35

As a former Custer county resident, and former Cordell Police Officer I was really happy to see a page from Arapaho.

William E Mitchell - 09/03/98 14:31:54
My Email:echo9@mindspring.com
What department do you work for?: Retired
How old are you?: 67

(Mr. Mitchell has some wonderful ideas about getting a commemoritive stamp for LEO killed in the line of duty. We are sorry , but the letter he put here was far to large to keep in our guest book. If you would like more information, please contact Mr. Mit hell directly.) Thanks. E-mail: echo9@mindspring.com

Jack Justus - 08/24/98 04:15:01
My Email:tacedge@3dws.com
What department do you work for?: CMHA
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 9 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: 38 up to 45
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: 45 S&W
Any specialty training?: Tactical Response Unit OIC
How old are you?: 38

Please let me know how i can send a donation and recieve a patch. Thanks

Rick Roderick - 08/18/98 21:16:12
My Email:rikrodrk@landmarknet.net
What department do you work for?: Conway P.D.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 20 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: .40 s&w
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: the above
Any specialty training?: drugs,accident invest.
How old are you?: 56

Sounds like a great place to work. Love the patch! Be safe!

brian - 08/07/98 21:09:00
My Email:bbutler@uov.net
What department do you work for?: Bergholz Ohio Police Department
How long have you been in law enforcement?: one year
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Smith 5906
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: SIG SIG SIG ($$$$)
Any specialty training?: none yet (Im still a rookie)
How old are you?: 21

I am the only deputy in a very small villiage in Ohio. It is the chief and I who are left to settle neighborhood disputes and traffic citations. I really like the feeling of working in a small town. Feel free to e-mail me with any comments or questions

07/05/98 20:23:31
SGT. DAVID A. GAMBLE - 07/27/98 01:28:38
My Email:dgamble@isoc.net
What department do you work for?: AMELIA POLICE DEPT.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 10 1/2 YRS.
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: 9mm, 40 cal., 45cal.,
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: berretta 92 FS 9mm.
Any specialty training?: MOSTLY SUPERVISORY
How old are you?: 31


Dave Curtin - 07/23/98 01:40:55
My Email:shpd@ci.st-helena.ca.us
What department do you work for?: work?
How long have you been in law enforcement?: Joined with Wyatt Earp
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Flint locks
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Bunt line special
Any specialty training?: completed third grade
How old are you?: mama never said

Dan, Amazing...just God Damn Amazing.

Dave Curtin - 07/23/98 01:40:50
My Email:shpd@ci.st-helena.ca.us
What department do you work for?: work?
How long have you been in law enforcement?: Joined with Wyatt Earp
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Flint locks
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Bunt line special
Any specialty training?: completed third grade
How old are you?: mama never said

Dan, Amazing...just God Damn Amazing.

Kerry Porterfield - 07/21/98 23:03:31
My URL:http://cops.ci.st-helena.ca.us
My Email:Kerryp@ci.st-helena.ca.us
What department do you work for?: SHPD
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 28 Thats years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Whatever you want to buy
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: The one the city lets me use. Why beat up my own.

Like your web page, How do you like our catchy URL, you know COPS.... None of this wimpy WWW for us. Darling also wants a Custer County patch.

Bill McCarty - 07/21/98 17:03:13
My URL:http://www.tiger.net/~cushing/
My Email:crimedog@tiger.net
What department do you work for?: cushing P.D.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 5 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: glock 40
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: glock 40
Any specialty training?: diver
How old are you?: 44

This is a very cool site.

Gary O - 07/20/98 04:08:03
My Email:gokop@escape.ca
What department do you work for?: retired
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 20 years 61-81
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: none
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: .38 Chief's Spc.
Any specialty training?: counseling
How old are you?: too old now

nice web page

Axel E. Bloklander - 07/17/98 14:19:06
My Email:myka@kabelfoon.nl
What department do you work for?: Regio Police Haaglanden (The Hague (The Netherlands)
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 20 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Walther P5 9mm
How old are you?: 42

Surfing the net I have found your nice page. I like your patch very much. Is there a possibillity to trade our patches? Watch their hands!

Constable Ira Dorey - 06/21/98 20:29:52
My URL:http://www.gov.nf.ca/rnc
My Email:Dorey@thezone.net
What department do you work for?: Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 15 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Ruger .38, FORCE UNARMED up to 98Jun14

Hello, graet site, keep up good work......I am a Police Officer with the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and I collect shoulder patches of Police Forces around the world. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me a patch from your Force. It will e displayed the same as it is worn, with Dignity and Honour. I prefer and love to display a patch that I know has been worn by an Officer in the Line of Duty, these are the pride of my collection. This request goes out TO ALL POLICE OFFICERS EVERYWHERE wh may read this. I thank you in advance and anticipate your reply. Take care and be safe, Ira

Rodger Greenfield - 06/16/98 20:02:43
My Email:rag@teleport.com
What department do you work for?: Salem Oregon Police
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 20+ years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Sig Sauer P220 is issued
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Sig .40
Any specialty training?: Gang Response Team
How old are you?: 50

Your site is excellent! With your involvment in the non enforcement programs, you are doing so much to "Bridge the Gap" between the police and the communities preceptions. Keep it up, but don't burn youself out..

Rodger Greenfield - 06/16/98 19:55:07
My Email:rag@teleport.com
What department do you work for?: Salem ,Ore. Police Dept.


Joey Campbell - 06/13/98 16:00:45
My URL:http://www2.netdoor.com/~joeyc/
My Email:joeyc@netdoor.com
What department do you work for?: Brandon Police Department, Brandon, Mississippi
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 2 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock Model 22 - .40
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock Model 22 - .40
How old are you?: 36

Hello from Mississippi !

Det. David Chasteen - 06/08/98 22:40:38
My Email:wpd@hpnts.net
What department do you work for?: Weatherford Police Department
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 6 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Any larger than 9mm
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Sig Saur P-220
Any specialty training?: Criminal Investigation Academy; Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (Basic & Advanced)
How old are you?: 35

Chief Brownfield, Congratulations on a very nice web site! I'll be back to visit often to see how it's growing!

Glen - 06/08/98 16:12:47
My URL:http://netspaceonline.com/~ggsoldan/
My Email:ggsoldan@midusa.net
What department do you work for?: Salina, Kansas
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 15 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Currently the Glock 23C
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Any Sig, Glock, HK P7, even the old Ruger GP-100
Any specialty training?: too much to list....boring
How old are you?: 42

Thanks for a great site! Sounds like a nice cooperative area down there. I hope we can work something out! Glen

Lincoln County Kansas

Kansas Courthouse Collection

Lincoln County!

Jack Larkins - 06/03/98 02:00:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6295
My Email:slackkeyman@geocities.com
What department do you work for?: Retired L.A.County Sheriff
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 18 years
How old are you?: 56

Aloha Chief Dan! Nice site you have here...enjoyed my visit..keep up the good work. Stay safe and may your path bring love and peace.

B Rowland - 06/01/98 16:18:48

looks pretty good :)

DONNA BRADFORD - 05/26/98 21:05:05
What department do you work for?: CADDO COUNTY S.O.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: OVER 25 YRS
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: JUST ABOUT ANYTHING
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: 9MM SMITH & WESSON
Any specialty training?: LOTS
How old are you?: ??

Lordy, never thought I'd see an uglier Sheriff than Mike Burgess. Just kidding. i haven't seen Mike since we all lived in Edmond. Ask him if he has any idea how the seat in one of the Edmond PD units got burned (with an illegal spotlight). Then ask him who wrecked the unit the next week and never had to help pay for the new seat!!! Next time I'm in Custer County, I'll stop by and make old Sheriff Mikie buy me a Dr. Pepper. He used to be at my house more than he was home - just because my husband was a cop - nothing else. You have a very nice web page. Congratulations, an outstanding job. Donna Bradfdord

Cpl. Ed Bauer - 05/25/98 01:07:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~IceCoach47/index.html
My Email:RoadKop@aol.com
What department do you work for?: Baltimore County Police
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 27 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Sig Sauer P226 (9mm)
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: same
Any specialty training?: no
How old are you?: 48

Greetings, I am a 26 year veteran of the Baltimore County Police Department in Maryland. I am also a law enforcement patch collector. Currently, I am in the process of putting together a showcase of police and sheriff's department patches from around the country t display outside of my office in the Public Safety Building in Towson, Maryland. I would like very much to have your agency represented through your patch. If you would send me one, it would be greatly appreciated. I know that you get many requests of his nature on a daily basis, but any assistance you can provide me will help. If you cannot send me one, please advise me how I might be able to obtain one. Rest assured that your patch will be displayed with pride in my showcase. Thank You for Your Time and Cooperation, Cpl. Edward Bauer Baltimore County Police Department Operations Bureau 700 East Joppa Rd. Towson, MD 21286-5501

J. lewis - 05/20/98 04:58:45
My Email:jel@skyenet.net
What department do you work for?: Lakeville Police Dept
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 10n yrs
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: any
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock17
Any specialty training?: accult investigations
How old are you?: 35

nice web sight,i love the motorcycle wipe at the end hahaahah!!!! be safe........

Ray Hudson - 05/15/98 01:15:12
My Email:grayling@primenet.com
What department do you work for?: Huachuca City Police Department
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 5 Years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock, Sig, Taurus, S&W, 9MM or 38
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock or Sig
Any specialty training?: Not as of yet.
How old are you?: 32

I know exactly how you feel. My department has a Chief and three patrol officers. Our City population is approximately 2000. KustomeCop (Cops_WorldWide)

Ernest Absher, W6CNP - 05/12/98 19:43:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com~w6cnnp/INDEX.HTML
My Email:w6cnp23@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: Retired EE
How long have you been in law enforcement?: (Do you MP?)
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Colt MP spl .38
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Colt MP spl .38
Any specialty training?: Military, WWII,Korea
How old are you?: 25(the third time)G

Great web page, Dan. Congratulations.

Rod Watkins - 05/11/98 03:32:50
What department do you work for?: arapaho fire

web page looks great dan.

Thor Collens - 05/09/98 20:35:44
My Email:wookie@ptialaska.net
What department do you work for?: n/a
How long have you been in law enforcement?: n/a
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Para Ordance P14 .45
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Para Ordance P14 .45
Any specialty training?: Alaska ccw /Gunsite
How old are you?: 54

HI Dan your page is coming along good Took a 36 hour handgun training class from Gunsite here in Alaska in 96 have had my CCW since 95 also taken 10 hour assault shotgun 110 rounds Alaska & 30 hour pistol assault course 1000 rounds Alaska

Gary Barnes - 05/09/98 06:40:04
My Email:justus@arkansas.net

Dan,your webpage looks good.

Roscoe Rules - 05/06/98 20:51:51
My Email:mrbulky@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: Keewatin Police Department
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 5 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock 21
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock 21
Any specialty training?: Norcotics interdiction
How old are you?: 32

Hi Dan: Very nice web page....I like it....It's been fun chatting with you on the IRC...Looks like you do an excellent job in managing your Police Department.....Hope to see you on the IRC soon....Take care, and Be safe......R. Rules

CRASH OVERRIDE - 05/06/98 20:34:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/7255
My Email:crash_bon@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: none yet!
How long have you been in law enforcement?: not yet!
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: ????
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: ????
Any specialty training?: Martial Arts
How old are you?: 23

Nice page! I am testing your guestbook...if ever need any help, let me know! ~CRASH JL

Patrolman Steve Johnson - 05/04/98 12:26:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/7432
My Email:cpdcop@usa.net
What department do you work for?: Clinton Police Department, Clinton Okla.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 4 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock 21
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Glock21
Any specialty training?: B.A. operator, S.F.S.T., First Responder, Assoc. in Police Science from OSU
How old are you?: 27

Dan you got a heck of a page there for a heck of a guy. Dan has helped my P.D. on several occasions. There's been many a times the you know what would hit the fan in a heart beat and Dan was there within minutes. Thanks for the backup Dan!!! Nice to k ow your out there listening. You did this page yourself...hehe not me..maybe a little help hehe.

Wolfgang J. Fastian - 05/04/98 06:49:50
My Email:drwatson_exe
What department do you work for?: jsut about all of them
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 12 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Stg77
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Stg77
Any specialty training?: swat, hostage nag. and anything else what has to do with anti terrosim
How old are you?: not given

love the site, will check it out closer some other time when hosted on a faster server

Marty - 05/04/98 01:07:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~deputy_dawg
My Email:fishin_fanatic@usa.net
What department do you work for?: Nueces County Sheriff's Dept.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 6 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Just about anything
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Colt Python .357 mag
Any specialty training?: Special Operations Response Team
How old are you?: 29

Page looks great, Dan...

Doug Jones - 05/01/98 13:20:52
My URL:http://users.pld.com/dlj
My Email:dlj@pld.com
What department do you work for?: Haskell Co. SO
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 12 yrs
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Sig 45
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Sig 45 (of course) No tupperware please
Any specialty training?: Firearms instructor, Training Officer
How old are you?: To Damn Old

Not bad Dan. Looks pretty good. Why no pic's of the family or town though?

Kenneth Tidwell - 04/30/98 18:39:47
My Email:CusterCo@cji.com
What department do you work for?: Custer County Sheriff's Office
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 5 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: Glock Model 21 .45 cal.
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: glock Model 21 .45 cal.
Any specialty training?: No
How old are you?: 27

I've known Chief Brownfield for 5 years now and worked with him for 2 years with the Guymon, Oklahoma Police Dept.

VenEsha - 04/30/98 14:03:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~VenEsha
My Email:venesha50@hotmail.com
What department do you work for?: friend of chief
How long have you been in law enforcement?: counting the times I was arrested? hehehe
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: anything we can lay our hands on!!
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: As heavy as I can lift!
Any specialty training?: black belt judo/cooking school (for undercover operations)/mary kay consultant
How old are you?: Over the statutory minimum requirement :)

I loved your webpage. It is great!!! Hope you dont mind my silly answers in your guest book! It's to laugh, my friend :) See you on Cop_Out! your friend VenEsha :)

StarGlo - 04/30/98 05:13:43

You've done a great job with your website!!! Lots of great links here too. :)

Dan Brownfield - 04/30/98 05:08:34
My Email:kc5cmc@computershoppe.com
What department do you work for?: Arapaho Police Dept.
How long have you been in law enforcement?: 10 years
What firearm does your department allow you to carry?: My choice
What firearem do you PREFER to carry?: Sig-Sauer .45
Any specialty training?: Drug interdiction, DUI detection, DARE instructor,Defensive driving,CQcombat
How old are you?: 39

This is a test of my new guest book.

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