© 1997 Cat_Skinner@for-president.com
I am an American, an individual whose voice can be heard in a chorus of
almost 300,000,000 people. An individual who can be proud, for I can be
heard even if it is as subtle as an election or as loud as a protest.
Although my voice may not have power, my vote eventually will.
I am an American, an individual who is not without fault. I can recognize
these faults in myself and my leaders as well. My voice, with help from
others can correct these faults, learn from them, and grow from them without
fear from retribution for my leaders are chosen from my peers. There will be
times that my country will falter, but I can overlook its fallibility
because it will right itself once it sees its error.
I am an American, I live in a nation born from the blood of sacrifice and
steadfast perseverance. A Nation that has guarded it own shores for over
200 years and has come to the aid of others while asking for nothing in
return. It is our way, for we were born out of tyranny and oppression and
have learned to overcome it. And as an American, I will gladly make
sacrifices for the sake of my family and neighbors.
I am an American, and as my forefathers said, do not tread on me. Those who
do, whether by outward aggression or the cloak of terrorism, shall
eventually be brought to justice. This justice will be fair and by as close
to a neutral jury that can be had. As an American, I realize that this might
not be allowed to me should I be tried in another nation, but this will not
sway our process, for I believe in justice for all, not just my peers.
I am an American, given every opportunity to stand on my own two feet,
regardless of race, creed, color, or gender. Should my neighbor fall, I will
gladly help them to their feet so that they can walk on their own. Should I
fall I know that I have a neighbor who will help me as well. This is our
way and we shall not change this.
I am an American, born in a nation that is young and strong. Our beliefs are
are relatively new, but proven to have merit. To scorn us for what we have
perhaps hints to what you can not achieve. We shall not mock you for this,
and if asked, we can help you achieve the same. You may voice your views and
values, but do not expect us to change our ways simply to better your life
or suit your purpose. We are a nation of many backgrounds and believe in
fairness to all, not just one.
I am an American.
ps: since you were nosey enough to find out what we're hiding
down here, I'll let you know that you'll not be finding any cute
little midi files, cyber hugz/kisses/snowball fights/water
balloon fights/chain letters or any other cute little things
you find out there that people do. I've had my fill of them too!
Ok, maybe one midi on one page when the midi wants to work. But it's there
for a reason.
And that's just because I ain't that cute!