τοις γαρ της ευωχιας ανδρασι κυλικες χρυσαι τε και αργυραι επεδιδοντο το δε αυτου εκπωμα ξυλινον ην |
Guests at the banquet had been given goblets made of
gold and silver, while his cup was made of wood
Priscus of Panium, writing about Attila, in Excerpta de Legationibus, by Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus |
Agli ospiti del banchetto erano state date coppe d'oro
e d'argento, mentre la sua tazza era di legno
Prisco di Panio, a proposito di Attila, in Excerpta de legationibus, di Costantino VII Porfirogenito |