Unfortunately, this page was mistakenly deleted.
It will be back up in its entirety as soon as possible

Hi, I am Amy, 24 and my son Daniel is . Together, we are a family. I am in law school and Daniel goes to school. Some of his favorite things to do are painting, listening to music, dancing, washing, working on things like reading, math, telling time, etc...

I am in my second year of law school. I know that once I graduate, I would like to do public interest law, but I am not sure where exactly. I am considering the public defender's office or possibly an organization which deals with civil rights or women's rights. I have recently become involved in Amnesty International which I enjoy.

I also had many links on various topics which I will try to gather and get back up asap. If anyone knows of any of the links I had up, please let me know.

I am beginning a new web page for a business in which I am a partner. It is a candle and bead/jewelry business. Everything is handmade and we will make custom candles, beads and jewelry. The site is just getting started but please visit: MYSTICAL SOULS

Please fill out my Survey

Please tell me your name: (Do not hit return)

Please tell me your email address (please include this if you would like me to respond to you):

1) How old are you?

Under 18 years old
Between 19 and 24 years old
Between 25 and 34 years old
Between 35 and 44 years old
More than 45 years old

2) What type of area are you from?

Under 50,000 people
Between 50,000-100,000 people
Between 100,000-500,000 people
Between 500,000-1,000,000 people
Over 1,000,000 people

3) What is your view on the death penalty?

I am completely against it
I am completely for it
I am for it only in cases of capitol crimes

4) Do you think the death penalty is biased?

Yes, I think it is biased both socio-economically and racially
I think it is only biased socio-economically
I think it is only biased racially
I think it is not biased at all

5) What is your view on abortion?

I am pro-choice
I am pro-life
I think it is okay only in cases of rape
I am pro-choice but am personally against it

6) At what age do you feel juveniles should be tried as adults?

I feel juveniles should always be tried as adults
Beginning at age 13
Beginning at age 14
Beginning at age 15
Beginning at age 16
I think juveniles should never be tried as adults
I think it depends on the circumstances and the crime of each case

7) Do you feel religion should be included in the schools?

No, not at all
Yes, I believe it should be included (if you feel this, I would be interested in knowing in what ways and how it should be included)
It should be included based on the child's wishes
It should only be included in the way of prayer

If you have any comments, questions, or sites you would like me to link, please let me know:

a site for all Hip Mamas

pbs for kids

scholarship site

Everyday Blessings--site for single moms

Amnesty International--a site dedicated to Human Rights

I have just begun to create a question and answer page for basic issues such as: child support, scholarships, etc... I will put the link back up when I remember how :)