Unalism: One World Government


One World Government

Unalism is the belief in one world government. History

has shown that the true course of human events is towards

greater unification. Within these larger and larger

political units benefits increase. Many times a single

entity has overextended itself and disintegrated, but the

trend continues. Since the early beginnings of human kind

tribes have united into cities, cities into states, and

states into nations. The time has come for humankind to set

aside the evils of factionalism and regionalism. The

eventual outcome is plain to see. Why should we deprive

ourselves and our children of the advantages of single world

government? The world is already tightly interwoven. The

days of being a hermit are lost. In achieving a single world

government now we can only save humankind untold sorrows in

the future.

Unalism is founded on democratic corporatism.

Corporatism is based on the inalterable laws of nature.

Hence the ideology’s ethics are those of evolution. Nature

has dictated that life is eternal struggle. This struggle

forges the strong and destroys the weak. In this manner

natural struggle achieves progress. Reason is both a tool

and a weapon in this conflict, but emotion and action are, as

always, the purposes of life. Corporatists focus on the

whole of humanity as an organism, and look to its survival.

I. Why we need One World Government

There are three broad categories that absolutely

necessitate a unified world government to redress them. Left

unresolved these issues could easily result in the

disillusionment of humankind.

1. Human rights

No one can truly be free while another is unjustly

imprisoned. The slippery slope awaits us all in these

cases. The only solution is self-determinism. Not just for

the white man or the developed nations, but everyone is

entitled to self-determination. The spirit of merit based,

color blind equality and opportunity is a necessary

ingredient for democracy. People must be allowed to choose

their own form of government. People may choose a more

centralized and authoritarian form of government, or a more

socialist mode of economy, or even lesser issues such as

privately bearing arms. The choice is theirs. We as people,

however, cannot condone by our apathy other’s violent

coercion and injustices.

Self-determinism has many features. It requires the

freedom to speak out and the assurance of freedom after

speaking out. It requires the concurrent freedoms of the

press and peaceable assemble, to petition the government for

redress of grievances. Everyone is entitled to the freedom

to peaceable descent with impunity. Everyone is entitled to

the truth. Everyone is entitled to education up to one's

ability, since general information and technology are not the

privilege of a few. Whatever the form of governance, the

majority will must have ultimate access and control.

2. Disarmament

We live in an age that any conflict can escalate into

nuclear holocaust. Armed services are necessary for domestic

control in time of natural disaster and/or rioting. The

current size of the world’s combined militaries far exceeds

what is necessary. In maintaining and expanding the world's

war machines these engines of destruction not only constantly

annihilate and threaten to annihilate people, property, and

our collective history of culture and technology, but they

deprive us of all the things that we could have bought

instead. Virtually every nation labors under defense budgets

that could have gone to art, science, health, or other

fields, but went to making far more military might than is


The world’s paramilitary espionage services have

sabotaged and undermined legitimate and just nations and

organizations. Add to these long-term, self-defeating

activities the numerous self-inflicted injuries espionage

services produce in their black worlds, they seem almost more

of a liability than an asset.

Military services provide significant employment and

research. These are ancillary, and clearly not justification

for their existence. Employment and scientific research can

best be achieved as ends in themselves, and not in the

process of endangering others.

One united police force under the United Nations is


3. Ecology

Humankind is eroding the web of life that it is reliant

upon. The intricate interrelationships that sustain life on

Earth are not even well understood. Actions taken years ago

by human beings are just now bearing fruit. Inevitably

humankind reaps what it sows. If you sow indifference,

greed, and uncontrolled population growth, you reap disaster,

poverty, pestilence, famine, strife, and eventually death.

For mankind’s own survival the world must be united in

protecting and promoting species and habitats, including

controlling our own population. Humankind must reward

landowners, industry, and individuals who are

environmentalists. Then, for those who endanger everyone, we

must control, have them redress damages, and seek to

rehabilitate them.

II. Format of the New United Nations

The New United Nations concerns itself with

international issues. The General Assembly is the

legislature of true international laws. The Secretary

General executes these laws. The International Court of

Justice adjudicates international laws. Budgeting by the

General Assembly is not permitted deficit spending, except in

times of emergency.

Legislator’s voting power is weighted in terms of Gross

Domestic Product and population, among other factors, of

their respective nations. Preferably an institution of

international single district representative electoral system

will create and maintain two separate, stable, and moderate

political parties. The Secretary General is a popularly

elected office. The nomination of the Secretary General is

by political parties.

1. The International Monetary Fund

The International Monetary Fund regulates a unified

currency. Regional monetary control is achieved by fiat

money purchases of securities, adjusting the prime rate

collectively, or to specific organizations, reserve

requirements, and individual investment loans. These powers,

along with tariff oversight, control economic development.

2. Military and Intelligence Services

All military and intelligence services are incorporated

or disbanded under the executive office of the Secretariat.

All police and law enforcement are under the authority of the

Secretariat. The New United Nations security structure

consists of the Secretariat, the Security Council, and four

subordinate organs. These organs are the Labor Corps,

Interpol, Riot Control, and The Paranormal Defense Force.

A. The Secretariat

The Secretary General is the Chief and Supreme Executive

Officer for law enforcement of international law in

maintenance of world peace and security. All organs of the

New United Nations, besides the General Assembly and the

International Court of Justice, are administered under the


B. The Security Council

The Security Council acts as a “Joint Chiefs of Staff”

to support the Secretariat.

C. Labor Corps

The Labor Corps trains the populous to be a military

reserve system in support of Riot Control operations,

provides professional development, employment, training, and

political inculcation. Youths are trained in the youth

section of the Labor Corps to a basic level of military

knowledge. Adolescents are engaged in “Scouting” type

activity after academic school for physical training such as

band, outdoorsmanship, and martial arts. The Labor Corps is

equally responsible for teaching civics. Older adolescents

may utilize “Explorer” professional development programs.

Adult members of the Labor Corps are employed in infra-

structural and environmental programs, such as construction

of public transportation systems, and the construction of and

up grading of educational- intellectual facilities and

telecommunications. Labor Corps organizes combined civil

defense / neighborhood crime watches to constitute an

advanced military reserve.

D. Interpol

Interpol is the supreme law enforcement agency.

Interpol’s jurisdiction is unlimited. The scope is

restricted to crimes ‘against humanity’ and those criminal

activities that other levels of administration are not

equipped or effective to control. Interpol also acts as a

legitimate all access intelligence gatherer.

E. Riot Control

Riot Control designates the combined armed services.

Riot Control acts as a “National Guard” to protect citizens

in times of emergency, such as natural disaster and civil

disturbance. All standard combat arms and configurations,

including, where feasible, heavy weapons, rapid reaction, and

force projection capable units are included.

F. The Paranormal Defense Force

The Paranormal Defense Force exists to counter abnormal

and extraordinary threats. They are authorized to conduct

covert operations. Members are selected from Riot Control.

They are the most loyal, best trained, and highest elite. The

Paranormal Defense Force is highly budgeted. Members are

well paid and pensioned. They possess an independent

material command to facilitate rapid deployment and freedom

of action. Their organic material command includes equipment


III. Programs of the New United Nations

The United Nations’ Economic and Social Council

administers many of these programs.

1. Economic

Economics have been, and most likely will continue to

be, the engine driving lasting world unification.

Consistently when protectionist fears are overridden the

public begins to enjoy the benefits of international trade.

Lower prices, higher quality and variety, with all other

factors being equal, results in the majority of the

population being more content.

A. Free Trade

Since The Wealth of Nations was published the path to

prosperity has been clear. When those best suited to produce

a product produce it the product is necessarily the highest

quality for the lowest legitimate price. When open borders

(free from superfluous tariffs) allow the flow of products to

compete in the free market everyone wins. Tariffs can only

be justified to protect an infant industry for a reasonable

amount of time. Welfare subsidies to business and protection

only weaken business, lower quality, and raise prices.

B. Standards

Standardization is beneficial to trade. Standardization

prevents the waste of time and effort on conversion. Variety

is necessary and beneficial in complex devices and

organizations to elicit competition and evolution. In

arbitrary matters such as weights and measures there is no

justification for complexity. The metric system is superior

to the standard system, and is therefore universal.

Standardization improves efficiency by promoting

interchangeablilty and simplification. The standardized

currency also integrates world economies.

C. Synergism with Human Rights

The right to own property and to profit from one’s labor

is the surest form of economic development. The profit

motive in capitalist markets is an inexhaustible power supply.

2. Knowledge

Knowledge is the heritage of all humankind. Therefore,

knowledge is an obligation of the individual and government.

The obligation is to endeavor to accurately increase,

distribute, and apply knowledge. With this obligation comes

the inherent right to know the truth and to an education.

Knowledge not only is an obligation, but it is power.

Research, education, and development are in any nation’s

highest self-interest to pursue. In this endeavor humankind

is fortunate in that the qualities of ideas are unlike that

of physical property. The more ideas are used and exchanged,

the more they grow. Rationalism is the special ability

separating human beings and all other creatures. Therefore,

all non-rational organizations are taxed. The United

Nations’ Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

oversees information systems and education.

A. Universal Education

Society can little afford to lose the potential of its

human resources by denying anyone the opportunity of an

education. Education up to one's ability is provided. The

entire educational system is designed in order to prepare

students for the work force. A standardized curriculum of

science, with math as a foundation, and history are the

achedemic base. Physical education is conducted in after

academics programs. These after academics programs are an

integrated part of the overall education system.

B. Universal Language

A single world language as a universal medium is highly

beneficial. The benefits are in cultural exchange and

understanding, and research for all persons. Public

education provides students with a single common language.

All persons know two languages, one of which is English.

English has been chosen for many reasons. Of

approximately two hundred nations world wide, English has

official or special status in at least seventy-five

countries, with a total population of over two billion out of

six billion total. English is spoken as a first language by

around 320 to 372 million, and as a second language by around

235 to 370 million speakers in the world. One out of four of

the world's population, 1,200 to 1,500 million speak English

to some level of competence. Demand from the other three-

quarters is increasing. English is the main language of

books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control,

international business and academic conferences, science,

technology, diplomacy, sport, international competitions, pop

music, and advertising. Over two-thirds of the world's

scientists read in English. Three quarters of the world's

mail is written in English. Eighty percent of the world's

electronically stored information is in English. Of the

estimated forty million users of the Internet, some eighty

percent communicate in English. At any one time, there are

120,000 students learning English and other skills through

the medium of English in British Council teaching centers

world-wide. By the year 2000 it is estimated that over one

billion people will be learning English. English has been

spread worldwide by colonization, missionary action,

industrialization, the communications revolution, and

military occupation, and basing. (From David Crystal, The

Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, Cambridge

University Press, 1995; English as a Global Language,

Cambridge University Press, 1997; David Graddol, The Future

of English?, London, The British Council, 1997.)

There are other reasons for choosing English as a

universal language. Forty-eight percent of the world’s

population already speaks an Indo-European language. English

is a member of this family. Learning English would be easier

for those who speak an Indo-European language. English is

superior to artificial languages. Esperanto is the world’s

leading artificial language. Esperanto is estimated at being

spoken by between 100,000 and 10 million speakers. Professor

Sidney S. Culbert of the University of Washington, Seattle,

USA conducted a language survey. From his data, two million

people fluently speak Esperanto of which for 1,000 it is

their native tongue. Clearly an existing language spoken by

much larger numbers of people would be a better universal

language candidate. English, also, is well developed, with

its own literature and words with specific meanings difficult

to translate.

There are impediments to English being universalized.

Mandarin or northern dialect Chinese is officially the

language of 885 million Chinese. This would make it

numerically the most spoken language, English being the

second. Mandarin, however, is very centralized and not

dispersed across the world in the same manor as English.

Nativism, the eternal enemy of progress, is particularly

antagonistic with relation to language. The final impediment

to universality comes from English’s success. Fracturing of

English is threatened from British versus American disputes,

localization of language, and computing that simultaneously

stabilizes and creates dialect. The final solution is to

develop a standard English, via an annual world


C. Universal Information Access

All people are entitled to freely access all information

in the public domain. Scientific achievements, art, and

history are not to be restricted or abridged. Libraries with

modern telecommunication and internet access, like education,

are intended to be available to all. An educated and

informed public is necessary for the health of the body

politic, and the future economic status of any people.

D. International Research Projects

The New United Nations engages in “Big Science” in a

manner that no individual, company, or nation is capable.

The human genome, human research, experimental particle

physics, and purely scientific space research are all

projects that are enormously costly, and may, or may not,

show applications. The questions asked in these projects and

others are still worthwhile endeavors in the pursuit of

knowledge itself.

E. Synergism with Economic Standardization

Economic standardization will assist the expansion and

distribution of knowledge. Free trade increases cultural

diffusion and evolution, besides providing goods. This

condition in return increases a society’s ability to adapt

and innovate. Standardization increases the amount and

quality of information, because none is lost in


3. Universal Employment

Universal employment is the best compromise of all

economic possibilities. Individual locations due to

tradition and resources necessitate different degrees of

state employment determined by appropriate levels of

administration. The necessity of universal employment arises

from the failing inherent in the capitalist system. The

natural impulse of industry is to seek out and manipulate a

plentiful, and therefore cheap labor force. The resultant

poor and unemployed require welfare to bind them to the

system. Communist and socialist systems fail in not

providing a profit motive. Without the profit motive, in the

majority of cases, apathy prevails. Since it is morally and

economically superior to employ persons with public funds,

and in the end possess a product, than it is to institute

welfare, and in the end possess a welfare lobby, the choice

is obvious. A dual system promoting private industry and

public employment is provided. Public employment sets a

minimum standard of living while retaining capitalism in the


In late adolescence all youth, male and female, are

conscripted. Precise age and duration are determined by

appropriate levels of administration. Political franchise

may require successful completion of conscripted term. All

qualified conscripts possess the opportunity to choose

between the Labor Corps and Riot Control.

4. Space Exploration

Outer space holds mankind’s opportunity for advancement

in science, intellect, and economy. Space exploration

is “Big Science”, as well as a replacement for military-

industrial complexes. Permanent colonization and detection

of other intelligences are the ultimate goal.

5. Population Control

The World Health Organization oversees the population

program of the New United Nations. Nation-states administer

reproductive licenses in order to adjust their respective

populations in accordance with their sustainable

environmental carrying capacity. Licensing and nation-state

regulations of immigration, emigration, sustainable

agricultural output, along with purchasing power, provide a

secure foundation for sustainable progress. The following

are the universal minimum guidelines designed to work in

conjunction with a conversion of welfare to workfare in order

to prevent the development of a dysethnic, dependent, non-

producing class.

Due to overpopulation, all persons of adult age, not

mentally retarded, psychoticly mentally ill, or a career

criminal, are eligible for a transferable license entitling bearer

to combine their license with another to procreate. The

license, unless used, is effective until bearer becomes

mentally retarded, psychoticly mentally ill, or is found

guilty of three felonies. Social defectives; the mentally

retarded, psychoticly mentally ill, or career criminals are

permanently sterilized or euthenasiaed. Violation may result

in abortion, temporary or permanent sterilization,

imprisonment, and fines.

Heavy taxes are levied on procreation. These taxes

provide cost-free genetic screening, counseling, and

engineering, contraceptive devices, sterilization and

abortion services, and research in genetics and reproductive

technology. Genetic screening is catalogued, analyzed and

required for mandatory personal identification. The

education and public information systems distribute sex,

environmental, euethnic, and eugenic information materials.

IV. The Opposition to One World Government

Unalism is anathema to obscuranists, megalomaniac petty

potentates and fanatics of many varieties. Many people fear

bureaucratic inefficiency and abuse of power from a world

government. A respect for the supremacy of law,

institutional division of power, and a strong and free media

are the best safeguards against these threats. Unalism's

means is to educate and recruit in order to achieve its goals.

V. What You can do: E-mail us and the Unifier discussion group.

Now is your opportunity to make a lasting contribution

to the human race. Contact us by E-mail at

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