In 1990 President Bush signed   public law 101-601  into law. This law is commonly called The Native American Grave Protection Act or NAGPRA, for short.  Repatriation had been going on for many years prior to the signing of this law.  Since there are more native american remains in museums, schools, state and federal repositories then there are live native americans today it has been a long, bitter and exausting struggle both for individuals and tribal governments to deal with this problem.

There is nothing more basic then the right of any person reguardless of culture to rest in mother earth undisturbed.  No one should be collected for meaningless psuedo-scientific tests and other humiliations that the conquorers of this land have inflicted on the native american ancestors.

All people, no matter which Nation, or culture, should stand united in this fight against grave desicration.  Our responsibilities as native americans are to our young people and our ancestors. We will not be whole as a people until we deal with the issue of repatriation.

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  NAGPRA References and Places to Surf
NAGPRA Mandates
AIM Southern California Chapter
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma Repatriation Page

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