European Union Info Page!

I'm an International Law student at the Tilburg University in the Netherlands. I'm a fifth year student.
As a former European law student I want to dedicate this page to the European Union (EU), because I know it's very hard to find usefull information about the EU.
The European Union, formerly known as the European Community (EC) has got fifteen member states:
Great Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Spain, Austria, Italy, Portugal and Greece.
There are ten important institutions in the European Union:
- Council of the European Union
- European Commission
- European Parliament
- Court of Justice
- Court of Auditors
- European Investment Bank
- Economic and Social Committee
- Committee of the Regions
- European Ombudsman
- European Monetary Institute
The European Union is a cooperative framework linking fifteen European countries. These countries cooperate in a number of fields, known as pillars:
first pillar: Economic Co-operation
second pillar: Foreign Policy and Security
third pillar: Justice and Home Affairs
For information on the different institutions and policies of the European Union you can chech the link to the official European Union Homepage below. This page has a very good search engine, so you can look for all kinds of documents (for example directives) on numerous subjects.
European Union Homepage.
For the search engine: Search Engine of the EU Homepage
For the legal databank of the EU: Legal databank
For information on the Treaty establishing the European Community (Treaty of Rome, 1957), Treaty on the European Union (Treaty of Maastricht, 1992) and the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) with comments on the Treaties, you can use the following links:
Treaty of Rome
Treaty of Maastricht
Treaty of Amsterdam
For a good summary of the Amsterdam Treaty go to the following link:
Amsterdam Treaty
Very good information can be found on several University sites.
Universities in Europe:
Mannheim University EU Information
Oxford University EU Information
Leiden University EU Information
Tilburg University EU Information(in Dutch!)
Universities in the USA:
Yale University EU Information
UC Berkeley EU Information
University of Chicago EU Information
You can find pointers to resources of interest, for those researching and studying the European Union, at the following pages:
European Movement
Specific Issues:
Social and Employment issues
The Euro
Any comments??
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