Lobo7 - 11/17/00 21:23:43 My URL:http://www.myfreeoffice.com/lobo7/ | Comments: Very educational WebSite..!..I will be back to explore more..! |
甜甜仙子 - 11/05/00 18:41:11 My URL:http://home.pchome.com.tw/travel/john19751214/john19751214.html My Email:john19751214@yahoo.com.tw | Comments: 台灣山林景色優人,為台灣人民添壽∼ 秋蟬不寒 山愚藕.蔦木松.山木公 89年11月3日 奇摩谷 溫差大 山林之神甦醒 調皮的杉木和氣象老公公玩起了 彩球的嘻戲 霧社 景色優人 涼意起 涼意 大家記得照顧自己 又一池清水泉 硫磺泉 一杯燒青酒 水果酒 酸梅酒 荔枝酒 最恨毛台不溫腸 好孩子 快入睡 討個好眠 濃濃秋意 時節好增歲 存一份想念在杯信 寄感情於心田 想念許久不見的老友 想念多久沒和大地一同出遊 深深心底思慕人 涼冬褐把吉它火 親愛的朋友 好你的熱情 問候 冬涼 調美穗 物豐賜來年 記得保重自己 也願一切平安如昔 糖果屋.><>< 網頁 http://home.pchome.com.tw/travel/john19751214/john19751214.html |
The Liberator - 10/31/00 15:44:19 Organization (if any): Anti-Red Fascist Unity Your favorite place anywhere else: New York City Your favorite movie: Red Corner Your favorite person: Winston Churchill | Comments: I find your webpage totally disgusting...please remove it from Geocities. I'm quite positive that people would appreciate it more that way. By the way, you gotta realise that Taiwan has a seperate political identity, they are not under the direct rule o Fascist Beijing. I was quite shocked when you actually consider yourself an anti-fascist...while you idolise the butchers of Beijing...if you like them so much, why don't you get your ass over there? Considering that it's not that far away from Taiwan. LONG LIVE TAIWAN! LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA! LONG LIVE CHEN SHUI-BIAN! LONG LIVE THE DALAI LAMA! LIBERATE TIBET! LIBERATE EASTERN TURKISTAN! |
Zhu Li - 10/03/00 00:24:14 My URL:http://www.cam.hi-ho.ne.jp/li_zhu/echinatown/zhusearch.html My Email:rackha@yahANTISPAMoo.co.jp Your favorite place anywhere else: N.Y Your favorite movie: Leon | Comments: Thank you for your Comment. I am also surprised that we have the same name!!(^○^) I came from the central island, but now I am in Japan. If you have had the Japanese font, you can find all about me in my self introduction page. See you again and mail me sometime. |
Richard - 08/26/00 11:54:31 My URL:http://expage.com/oneofone My Email:happyloser@hotANTISPAMmail.com Your favorite place anywhere else: my bed Your favorite movie: Blade Runner Your favorite person: Jesus | Comments: Brilliant website, keep it up. |
Roland Kupsch - 08/26/00 03:01:07 My URL:http://www.moneylegs.com/program/1152/index.htm My Email:roland.k@eudoramail.com Organization (if any): Moneylegs Network Development Club The organization's URL (if any): http://www.moneylegs.com/program/1152/index.htm Your favorite place anywhere else: http://www.coreclub.com/default.asp?id=RK2535 Your favorite movie: True Grit Your favorite person: My mother | Comments: Greetings from Peace River, Alberta, Canada!! |
adie - 08/25/00 09:44:53 My URL:http://www.rendo.dekooi.nl/~marti My Email:marti022@hotmANTISPAMail.com Your favorite place anywhere else: the netherlands | Comments: Hi i, m from the netherlands.You have a very nice homepage here.Good work! Good luck with your pages. |
福州台灣人 - 08/24/00 07:42:46 | Comments: 在這麼多的網站中,這裡的風景獨美,台灣缺少太缺少說真話做真有用事的人. |
Dide - 08/19/00 10:50:42 My URL:http://www.rendo.dekooi.nl/~azomer/index.html My Email:dide001@hotANTISPAMmail.com | Comments: Just drop by to say Hello and to let you know I was here .....You have a very beautiful pages here on the net ...I hat a great time surfing through your pages . Keep up the good work and have a Nice Day!! ![]() |
Jacob Zhu - 05/27/00 13:00:15 My URL:/jacobzhu My Email:jacobzhu@yahANTISPAMoo.com Organization (if any): The Labor Party, Taiwan, China The organization's URL (if any): http://members.xoom.com/lbptaiwan Your favorite place in Geocities: Jacob's Ladder Your favorite place anywhere else: http://muzi.net Your favorite movie: Where is my friend's house? Your favorite person: Liu Hulan | Comments: Geocities have changed the guest book. I'm just writing this to see if the old one still works. |
Spetsnaz - 04/10/00 05:36:16 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/5178/ My Email:spetsnaz54@yahANTISPAMoo.com Organization (if any): Marxist-Leninist List The organization's URL (if any): http://www.marxist-leninist-list.org Your favorite place in Geocities: http://www.geocities.com/captiolhill/congress/5178 My site :) Your favorite place anywhere else: Moscow, Russia Your favorite person: Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joesph Stalin | Comments: Thanks comrade for signing my guestbook, you have a pretty good website yourself. I did take the f**k slogans off and replaced them with some famous Bolshevik slogans. Keep the good work up comrade! "Workers of the world, unite" |
ixchel - 02/17/00 05:26:29 My Email:ixchelamor@ANTISPAMaol.com | Comments: I'm an artist who has become very interested in China and Taiwan, since 95% of my students are from Taiwan. I sincerely want to know their background and culture. I bump into this site by chance: I practice Northern Eagle Claw kung-fu; also, I love chinese art. It will be great to find more sites on cultural aspects from Taiwan and people who participate in them. Anyway, thanks for your information. I'll check it often. If you like to view some of the work by my students, e-mail me a message, I'll be happy to send some images. |
kkk - 02/12/00 14:03:36 | Comments: 舊世界 打的落花流水 奴隸們起來起來 英特那雄耐爾 就一定要實現 !!! |
Jimmy - 02/01/00 23:02:09 My Email:China@greatANTISPAMchina.net Your favorite person: First Emperor of China | Comments: Great job. Please keep up. I, an overseas Chinese, fully support your effort. China will dominate and Taiwan will and must be back to Great China whatsoever. |
Carl Webb - 12/30/99 13:28:18 My URL:http://members.spree.com/trotsky68/ My Email:carlwebb@commie.zzANTISPAMn.com Your favorite person: Leon Trotsky | Comments: If there are any trotskyist in Taiwan, let me know. |
Lena - 10/18/99 19:06:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/2535 My Email:Bukovski@PlattfANTISPAMorm.de Your favorite place in Geocities: /CapitolHill/Congress/2535/ Your favorite movie: All quiet on the western front Your favorite person: Trotzky | Comments: |
An obscene message has been deleted from this space. Discussion and debate are welcomed here, obscenity is not.
人民e/北方吹來十月的風 - 09/17/99 11:49:36 My URL:http://zgbss.cjb.net Your favorite movie: 智取威虎山 Your favorite person: 李大釗 | Comments: 朱大哥好!! 北十社的永久網址http://zgbss.cjb.net 請參照! 遠望網址一轉至正式官方網站 "海峽之橋"---可由遠望舊站連結至此處 |
Jacob - 09/05/99 16:10:16 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/6173 My Email:jacobzhu@geocitANTISPAMies.com Organization (if any): 中國台灣勞動黨 The organization's URL (if any): http://members.xoom.com/lbptaiwan Your favorite place in Geocities: Jacob's Ladder Your favorite place anywhere else: 山西省五台山 Your favorite movie: Queimada Your favorite person: Norman Bethune 白求恩 | Comments: 勞動黨有了正式的網站,內容很豐富。網址為 http://members.xoom.com/lbptaiwan That is the URL for the official Labor Party (Taiwan) website. If you can read Chinese, go there! |
Neil MacMillan - 07/30/99 00:37:48 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/9340 My Email:sir_penguin@geocitANTISPAMies.com Your favorite place in Geocities: My site, although I'm obviously biased Your favorite place anywhere else: http://www.members.tripod.com/~andybauch Your favorite person: It's not my place to make a judgement on other people. But I like John Cleese | Comments: A very good site! Being from Canada, I haven't heard much on the Taiwan/China situation, but this site gave me some more insight. Oh, and thanks for signing my guestbook! |
Jimmy Tsai - 05/16/99 06:46:58 My URL:I don't have one My Email:jtsai@sfANTISPAMu.ca Organization (if any): Simon fraser University Your favorite movie: Saving private Ryan Your favorite person: Abarabam Lincoln | Comments: I have a very different opinion than Jacob... I do think that getting independent is probably better than being ruled by communism government. for examplee...the hongkong government has been quite dissapointing... By the way, stop saying Taiwan belongs to China. it doesn't.... |
GTL - 05/07/99 23:20:42 My URL:http://gentrotsky.simplenet.com/ My Email:Ez1H@aolANTISPAM.com Your favorite person: Trotsky | Comments: We are Trotskyist and know how to rap Visit our site! |
Dersimli - 04/28/99 21:59:57 My Email:dersim_centre@hotmANTISPAMail.com Organization (if any): Dersim Information Centre Your favorite movie: Thelma & Louise Your favorite person: Sheyh Sait | Comments: It is a well designed website. Thank you. I am you will be interested to see a web site called http://members.tripod.com/~zaza_kirmanc/research/zkm.htm It is about the ethnic minority group I come from. In the history they are known as Dylamites and Dilmuns. Currently they speak a language called Dimili (Indo-European) and live in Dersim. Kurds claim they are Kurdish while the Turkish gov. claims they re Turkish . They both would like to eliminate the existing population. Not physically (I hope) but as an identity. For example, the PKK claims we are Kurds and includes Dersim into Kurdistan. Although we never have been together or shared culture or religion w th them. In fact they fought and attacked us in the past whenever they could, sometimes together with the Turkish government. They want us forcibly to speak their language (Kurdish) and strip us of our identity, same as the Turkish Gov. Threatens us if we try to assert our idetity. It is an offence to them. anyway if you visit the site pleas give me a feedback. Dersimli |
Diyari - 04/19/99 05:05:44 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Diyari2/dart.htm | Comments:![]() |
Jacob again - 01/28/99 09:04:09 Your favorite place anywhere else: http://mailstart.com Your favorite movie: Amistad Your favorite person: Steven Spielberg | Comments: Sorry this site is getting out of date, folks. It's because my computer's down. Very down!! If some of the links don't work, try taking the end off. |
Jacob himself! - 01/28/99 09:00:08 My URL:/Pipeline/Valley/4231/CMASSTAIWAN/ Organization (if any): Critical Mass Taipei/台北自行車行動 The organization's URL (if any):http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Valley/4231/CMASSTAIWAN/ Your favorite place in Geocities: There and here Your favorite movie: Saving Private Ryan Your favorite person: Abdullah Ocalan | Comments: Critical Mass is happening every month in Taipei! Bicycles are traffic!So are pedestrians and wheelchairs! Visit the site to find out more. |
北方吹來十月的風 - 11/12/98 03:52:44 My URL:http://listen.to/yuanwang My Email:dfxs@geocitANTISPAMies.com Your favorite movie: 大決戰 | Comments: 朱大哥!!遠望網路版由於前一陣子,免費網頁空間供應者'xoom'機件維修,所以近10天沒辦法與諸位網友見面,十分的抱歉,不過,現在已經修好了,請您再幫我宣傳一下吧!!! |
北方吹來十月的風 - 08/30/98 11:02:27 | Comments: 遠望網路版的位置 http://listen.to/yuanwang 請加入連結吧 |
北方吹來十月的風 - 08/22/98 05:46:18 My URL:http://fly.to/beishi | Comments: 朱大哥!!!你的簡體字版在由X-GATE轉換時會使視窗被切割然後變小一點,如果你想要把那個切割視窗變成單一視窗的話,可以來看看我的網頁,我也是用x-gate,可是不會有x-gate的廣告...... |
W.Shih - 08/11/98 01:56:08 My Email:rednet@clarANTISPAMa.net | Comments: Welcome to http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/8296 |
北方吹來十月的風 - 07/31/98 23:27:18 Organization (if any): Beishishe The organization's URL (if any): http://fly.to/beishi Your favorite place anywhere else: http://csf.colorado.edu/psn/marx/ Your favorite movie: 紅色娘子軍;洗星海;聶耳;開國大典 Your favorite person: 周恩來 | Comments:嗯!資料很多,很好.可是為什麼會有反動組織"台灣綠黨"的LINK在這兒呢?(還列在進步連結裡) |
TECAN - 07/30/98 09:19:21 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tamilned/index.html My Email:tecan@hotANTISPAMmail.com Organization (if any): Tamil and Eelam Cultural Association in the Netherlands(TECAN) | Comments: Thank you for signing our guestbook. We glad to see a progressive web site from Taiwan. We agree with you that Taiwan must belongs to mainland China. China has rights to reunify Taiwan. Here also many people, who listen to imperialist propaganda,think tha Taiwan must be independent from China. |
唐曙 - 06/25/98 05:18:44 My Email:taiso@ms11.hiANTISPAMnet.net My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/6173/lp-en.htm | Comments: Jacob,謝謝您辛苦的勞動。 我看過您設的網頁,我覺得不錯。至於我們的文件資料,我會盡快轉換好再交給您。再次謝謝您。 |
Rolly - 06/21/98 04:57:36 My URL:http://www.eastjava.net My Email:rolly@eastANTISPAMjava.net Your favorite place in Geocities: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/3484/ | Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook .. if you need any help with web creation let me know .. |
Joan Chow - 06/18/98 03:06:27 My Email:joancmh@pc.jarANTISPAMing.my Your favorite place in Geocities: CapitolHill Your favorite place anywhere else: lots of it Your favorite movie: As Good As it Gets | Comments: The setup for your homepage is great although there are room for improvement...meaning the graphics... There is good links but I am sure that there are lots more..especially the government controlled homepages... Great work anyway, and good luck! Joan |
President Lee Teng-Hui - 06/14/98 12:16:42 Organization (if any): The Chinese Kuomintang My URL:http://www.kmt.org.tw Your favorite place anywhere else: My golf course, of course. Your favorite person: Our great leader - Me | Comments: What a lousy web site. How the hell did I end up here anyway??? Now let me get back to that game of golf on my illegally-built private golf course next to my illegally-built house! |