Relief for your tired eyes

Courtesy of Jacob Zhu

Recommended MS Windows desktop setting: Rainy Day

Less glare, less eyestrain with Eclipse computer lights

Nice dark web sites and web pages

Black Google
Google Black
Blackle black Google search
GBlack black Google search
SpaceSounds (audio content)
My Goya online desktop
Laughing Squid web hosting (San Fransico)
Gibson Research Corp. (computer security and data recovery)
Alex Constantine's blacklist (investigating secrets and conspiracies)

Other sites and pages of interest

Web page design for designers
The British Astronomy Association Campaign for Dark Skies

You can save this page to your hard disk and call it up any time you want a bit less glare from your computer screen. The HTML code is about as simple as it can get...Why not have a bit of fun editing it to your liking? Enjoy! </body> </html>