This page indexes various MIM polemics written for "Marxism Space" between 1995 and 1997.

MIM's first few days on Marxism Space: Hate mail

Unproductive labor, Peru and Pol Pot

Anti-Marxists ask for MIM to be expelled from "Marxism Space"

Anarchism, libertarianism: individualism

Why free market ideology is anti-science, anti-environment and unrealistic

The Black Panther Party

BPP was Maoist

Leave this web site and go to the MIM Black Panther collection


Deng Xiaoping was proof of the merits of the Cultural Revolution 1966-1976

Lin Biao

Detroit newspaper strike

The Mexican scab rumor starts up on Marxism Space

Collection of debates on the Detroit strike

Dictatorship is organized force

For dictatorship of the proletariat, not imperialist democracy

For revolution from above and below: a reply to Norwegian socialists

Adolfo Olaechea confuses dictatorship of the proletariat with revisionism

MIM attacks Khruschevism just before Adolfo Olaechea purges MIM

The environment

MIM reply to Russell Means: Part I

MIM reply to Russell Means: Part II

Why free market ideology is anti-science, anti-environment and unrealistic

Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot: Kampuchea, Cambodia

MIM sets record straight

Labor aristocracy: the imperialist country working class

Part I of labor aristocracy debate

Part II of labor aristocracy debate

Part III of labor aristocracy debate

Part IV of labor aristocracy debate

Part V of labor aristocracy debate

Part VI of labor aristocracy debate

Trade unionism (syndicalism)& Marxism are not the same thing

Committees of Correspondence revisionist says MIM a disgrace on "American working class"

Committees of Correspondence revisionist says MIM a disgrace on "American working class: Part II"

Leave this web site and go read some quotations from Lenin on oppressor nation workers and the labor aristocracy

Marxism Space: Organizing itself

Anti-Marxist continues asking for MIM expulsion, August, 1996: Part I

Anti-Marxist continues asking for MIM expulsion, August, 1996: Part II

Peru: "Shining Path" Maoist People's War

MIM defends PCP on Marxism Space

Stalin & idealist critics

Stalin, Trotsky and bourgeois pluralism

MIM rebuts Trotskyist on Stalin as bureaucrat and dictator

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