Contemporary Maoism: Info and Controversies Page
Qu'est-ce que c'est, le MIM?
French Francais
1. You are lucky to be in a free country.
2. What about Pol Pot and "Killing Fields"?
4. What about the Great Leap and 30 million killed?
5. What about the "Shining Path" in Peru?
7. Why don't all you communists and "leftists" work together in one coalition?
This page is for Marxism-Leninism-Maoism theory and analyses after 1976, the death of Mao.
This page is not an introduction to MIM (Maoist Internationalist Movement) or Maoism. For an introduction to MIM, we recommend "What Is MIM?" on the MIM homepage. There you will also find some introductions to Mao's works.
On this page, we seek to accomplish three things with regard to the times since Mao died in 1976. Boricua (Puerto Rico)
1. Provide a country-by-country approach.
2. Establish one place for storage of MIM polemics in "Marxism Space" as well as weeds from alleged Marxists, Marxist-Leninists and Maoists.
3. Create a place for theoretical polemics by or addressing MIM on the issues of today.
Elsewhere at geocities, MIM has a page for pre-1976 Maoism and controversies. MIM classics page
Boricua page Aztlan
Aztlan page Country-by-country info
Go to Country-by-Country Page Marxism Space and MIM Page
MIM in Marxism Space
Contemporary rebuttals of MIM and debates in progress
The analyses of concrete conditions of yesteryear are no longer necessarily valid, and so we must analyze our own conditions in the imperialist countries. Here we welcome critics directly addressing MIM's contemporary analyses and arguments. It is not always possible for MIM to address every topic as well as we would like, so here we save some space for those discussing issues we should be addressing.
Contemporary rebuttals of MIM
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Please come back soon and visit me.
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Leave geocities and go to a communist feminist discussion of Catharine MacKinnon