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*****Updated April 29th*****



Let us state here that we are NOT a revolutionary group striving for the forceful dissolution of the state.

We do ask you out there in the world at large, and especially people with a voice in international politics and or the UN, to speak up. This state was granted permission to exist, as a refuge for Jews to live as Jews, free from oppression and persecution for their Judaism. Is it not about time that the Israeli government was given an ultimatum by the UN and various major governments, that they must live up to that authorizations criteria or see it cancelled and returned to a mandate?

This could have an important impact on regional, and therefore world, peace. Moslem citizens have already told us that they have no quarrel with us. Their main gripe is with the non-religious and especially the anti-religious sector. They see plainly that the anti-religious government opened the door to the snowballing drug and crime rate, and to the breakdown of the Islamic as well as the Jewish society. They also blame the secular "Zionist" movement for the upspringing of the secular Palestinian political territorialist movements. They see the non-religious presence as an opportunistic, base territorial imperative rather than a spiritual drive to settle and live in this Holy Land. The former they cannot abide, the latter most would be happy to co-exist with and together build and thrive and wait for the Messiah to rule and bring the final and long waited for "Peace on Earth and Good Will to All Men".

We are not demanding that everyone here by force must become religious. (Though mass penance by the Jews would be ideal and would precipitate world peace.) We are not propagating overthrow of the government. We are requesting an end to the vilification, the discrimination, the defamation, the oppression, the persecution etc. against the religion and against the orthodox religious Jews.

We bless you our readers with true peace and pure love.


First a bit of background: After the destruction of the Holy Temple by the Roman Empire, with its reign of a series of Caesars Senators and generals, most of the Jewish population was sent into exile. (Some researchers claim that those Roman leaders were all members of one large royal family "the Piso's". They state that the Piso's were then, and throughout history up to today's' modern day descendants are, masters Par Excellence of psychohistory manipulation, socio-political manipulation, and psychological warfare.) The Jews were dispersed throughout the empire. The descendants of King David and his court, the Sanhedrin (Rabbinical judicial and legislative High court) and their families, the most important aristocratic families and most of the tribe of Priests (Cohen), were exiled to Spain in exchange for the Spanish Kings assistance in the final conquest of Jerusalem. Another group of the priestly tribe was sent to the island of Djerba off the coast of Tunisia. However a considerable portion of strictly Observant Jews remained in the Promised Holy Land, as subjects of the new Roman rule. They were mainly in Jerusalem & surrounding villages, as well as in Hebron, Yavne, Yaffo, Bnei-Brak, Tiberias, Tsiporri, Meron, Zfat (Safed), and various villages in the Galilee and Valley of Jezriel, Akko, Shekhem (which had a Rabbinical college of 5,000 men), and various towns in the Jordan & Beit She'an valleys. There they lead peaceful lives firmly founded in the strict observance of scriptural and rabbinical law, unwavering even in times of famine or poverty and hardship for 1800 years. Centers of intense rabbinical study especially of Kabala maintained the power of Holiness and existence in "The Land". Various conquest governments came and went throughout the years. There were also periods without any general government at all. The religious Jews lived in relative peace with their neighbors and with the various governments. The Moslems respected the religious and moral seriousness of the Jewish population.

Throughout that time the Diaspora Jews would pray for the right to return. Occasionally some would make pilgrimages, and once in awhile some would make the brave move to immigrate to Holy Land in spite of the great hardships. Non-observant or semi-observant Jews were few in number and none of them ever made the effort to either visit or move to the Promised Holy Land.

In the early 19th century, after announcement that the Messianic era is not far away, groups of Strict Orthodox Jews began moving to the Promised Holy Land. These groups ranged between 10 to 200 families. Some went to existing towns, while others established new villages. Their aim was not political in any way, just to be there living their pious quiet lives in the Promised Holy Land and waiting for the Messiah. They made their immigration without funding and assistance plans, international organizations etc. The non-orthodox had absolutely no interest in The Land at the time.



After the beginning of the "Reform" / "enlightenment" movement by Moses Mendelsohn etc., the number of non-observant Jews began to increase. Close after the increase of secularism among the Jews, came the vast increase of anti-Semitism. The events surrounding the infamous "Dreyfus Trial", France 1894, awoke among the secular Jews a sense of need for a home state. This proposed state would presumably be a shelter from the generations of oppression etc., a place to be free to be a Jew. They were so desperate for a place to run to, and to call their own, that the secular leadership, Herzl et al, was ready to accept an offer of a sector of outback land in Uganda. They were so alienated from their heritage, that they were also ready call for mass conversion to Christianity in order to be given their state by the League of Nations. Herzl himself, leader of the "Jewish Zionist" movement, categorically and absolutely refused to circumcise his son. Circumcision by a trained certified expert, is a Torah law requirement for every Jewish male. The boy was also given a very obviously non-Jewish name.

The modern Zionist movement had now started.

Most of the Rabbinical leaders warned the "Zionist" leaders that the movement must continue the non-political line in order not to get into trouble. All the Rabbinical Authorities, including those in favor of initiating a political state before the Messiah, also warned that the system must retain and function under Religious Law, and not go against G-ds will, otherwise "Like an uprooted and poisoned plant it will wither and collapse". The call went unheeded, but the prophetic warning is most obviously showing its accuracy.

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