Yes there are some real good folks in the world. We'll give you here an example. In order to get this "on the air" quickly here is a brief sketch. We hope to give you a fuller account soon so check back for the update.
We all know hope terribly lacking many public clinics and insurance clinics can be. Often you're better off not going. On the other hand vast numbers of people do not have the funds for quality private health care.
What do you do in that situation?
To answer precisely that question, the
LEV-DVORAH MEMORIAL CHARITY CLINIC was opened three years ago. Since then many men women and children have received high quality health care. Although they pay low sliding scale fees, with some families getting free care, each one is treated as an important individual, and with caring attentiveness. From the cold to cancer, from neo-nate to terminal deteriorating diseases, from pre-exam jitters to serious emotional disturbances, from acute to birth defects and heavily chronic disorders, the staff works hard to find the cure for anything that comes before them.
She's only 17, yet she's scared for her life! That's the way Doly (not he real name) was when her parents brought her in. One year ago she had a bad bout of Mononucleosis, and has been a bit tired ever since. Her sclera (the whites of her eyes) became bluish. For the past half year she's been getting weaker and weaker, dizzy, chest pains, digestive disturbances, easily sick, etc.... Family doctor started overall tests. The blood tests made him jump. He ordered more blood tests, CAT scans, and MRI's. The results, his worst fears were true. The girl, still in high school, had Hodgkins Lymphoma, and at the B4 metastized stage. He told them carefully but the message was clear, not much hope for recovery. The hospital oncology department scheduled her for the first 6 month battery of chemotherapy. After that they would do the scans again to see what effect the chemotherapy had if at all.
A friend sent them to Rabbi Yaakov, manager of the LEV-DVORAH Clinic. He said "I can promise nothing, but to try my best and pray and hope G-d lets us succeed. There is a chance to pull her out of it." He recommended doing the chemotherapy along with his treatment. The hospital had warned them of the side effects of the chemotherapy, and due to a delay in obtaining the remedy recommended she started to suffer greatly from them, yet when they did get it, Doly was pleasantly surprised, the effects were practically nullified. On top of that she was getting stronger than expected, interim tests were done after only 2 months. They showed that the dread disease was receeding at a rapid clip. A scan done at 3 months showed only a bit of scar tissue remaining in the lungs, NO ACTIVE SIGN of the lymphoma to be found anywhere in her body. Thank G-d! The oncologists where astounded, this rapid a recovery, before even fininshing the first round of chemotherapy, was unheard of. Secretly, Doly, her family and Rabbi Yaakov of LEV-DVORAH knew the secret.
A mother, hospital nurse with an unemployed husband gives this account. "One summer day my 5 month old baby started a terrible diarrhea. It got to the point of a watery bloody stool every 5 minutes, she was starting to dehydrate and was losing blood. I got scared. The doctor in our public insurance clinic diagnosed it as dysentery and ordered hospitalization with intravenous administration of the strongest antibiotic on the market. I freaked out, somehow I sensed that something was wrong, but I did not have the money for a private doctor. A neighbor recommended the LEV-DVORAH clinic. Thank G-d. We were received by a para-medic who quickly and gently calmed me down. Within a few minutes he had asked two key questions neither the previous doctor, nor I had even thought of. First, with whom had the baby been in contact, and second what did she eat or drink, that no one else in the family had. Contact? Only us. Eat or drink? Some soup that had been on the hot plate all day long. He announced it's not dysentery, it’s food poisoning here give this…. At first after every stool, after 6 doses like that she should be sufficiently stable to reduce to 3 times a day for a few days. With second dose the bleeding had stopped and the frequency was reduced to every 15 minutes. By the 6th dose she was back to normal. The next day she was fully recovered as if noting had been wrong. That para-medic at LEV-DVORAH saved my babys life, I shudder to think what would have happened had we listened to the public clinic doctor. The antibiotic would not have helped but would have killed her. The charge at LEV-DVORAH for the visit and medicine was less then $10.
"When a women comes in with physical complaints and or depression and increased irritability after a traumatic delivery we don't just give her something to dull the pain and dope her quiet. We sit with her for an hour or more if necessary. We start a series of treatments that will bring her to real health, where the body is mended and her emotional is too, all together such that she is renewed and looking forward to bringing up the new baby and to another pregnancy with joy."
"We don't treat diseases, we treat people with diseases. A disease has a source, has reason for attacking that person in that particular manner. Also diseases and accidents etc. leave a mark on the person physically and or emotionally, which often must also be attended to in order to complete the cure."
At an update we'll tell you of these good people. For we'd like to mention one more thing. The clinic gets no government or insurance funds etc. Care Is given without discrimination of race, color or religion. It also has a food and clothing distribution fund for its towns needy. LEV-DVORAH CLINIC is at present in a serious financial situation in need of contributions to continue its good work. We would like to recommend that you help them help us and the sveral hundred other needy families here. Send a note with the name of city and country you live in, to FRIENDS OF LEV-DVORAH to find out where you can send your contributions.
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